Senin, 26 November 2012

Using the Context with a Speech Bubble

READING Strategy fi Using the Context with a Speech Bubble

Reading component  Vocabulary
Related Standard(s) of Learning  6.3, 6.5

Overview of the strategy
A speech bubble, included with the Wordsalive set of blackline masters, is designed to allow students to
focus attention on the words and phrases that reveal the meaning of unfamiliar words in context.
Students should be provided many opportunities to examine unfamiliar words in rich contexts that make

use of synonym, definition, explanation, antonym, example, and inference types of clues.

Strategy procedure
1.  Display on the overhead or board and distribute copies of the blackline master #3, located on the Wordsalive
Web site (go to address listed below; click on Blackline masters; scroll down to page 3).
2.  Choose or write a short text that features one unfamiliar word in a rich context.
3.  Model for the students by writing  in the speech bubble only the context that reveals the meaning of the
unfamiliar word. Be as brief as possible but as complete as necessary. Include and underline the unfamiliar
word. Think aloud for the students while writing the context, and mention the type of clue that helps reveal
the meaning of the unfamiliar word. Model using reference tools to confirm or modify the meaning learned
from context.
4.  Provide students with guided practice, using text demonstrating a variety of clue types. Partners or small
groups are recommended. Have students use reference tools to confirm or modify the meaning learned from
5.  Encourage students to look for and bring to class unfamiliar words in rich contexts.


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