Kamis, 22 November 2012

Mapping the Meaning

Mapping the Meaning. The teacher takes a significant word from an
essay/article and places the word in the middle of a graphic organizer. 
Students provide the teacher with images, emotions or feelings
(connotations) as well as definitions (denotations) of the word. The class
discusses why the author has chosen that specific word and how it changes
the meaning and tone of the article/essay.  This shows students how word
choice is deliberate and impacts the meaning of the text (Adapted from Stahl.

Mapping the Meaning. Upon completion of the activity, students provide
written answers to text dependent questions to display their level of
comprehension. The authors of the Common Core State Standards, through
Student Achievement Partners, have created a guide for developing text
dependent questions. It can be accessed online or by clicking the link below.


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