Kamis, 22 November 2012

About-Point is a silent reading strategy

About/Point. About-Point is a silent reading strategy where students pause at
logical points and complete this phrase:  This section/paragraph is about
___________;  and the point is___________.   Students can use it when
reading difficult material to help recall information (Bouchard, 2005).
1.  Choose and distribute a short informational text piece.
2.  When modeling, read a section or paragraph to students or assign
them to read it with partners.
3.  Distribute and display the About/Point chart and model its use.
Demonstrate, how to find and record the “About”.
4.  Demonstrate, how to find and record the details next to “Point”
  Periodically assign students to write about-point statements and
use them to start class discussions by asking students to read
  As students read text by different authors, a discussion of how the
author distinguishes his or her position from that of others.


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