Senin, 26 November 2012

Buddy Reading

Buddy Reading
Buddy Reading is one alternative to round robin or popcorn reading. The
value lies in giving each partner more "time on task" for actual reading
practice. Buddy Reading is more appropriate for elementary students but can
be adapted for secondary students.
1. Students can be paired with those of similar ability or with weaker or
stronger students.
2. Model seating arrangement and voice volume to students before
beginning Buddy Reading.
3. Ask students to sit Indian style, side by side and facing opposite
directions. Each student will read softly into his partner's ear.
4. If students are prone to correct one another, give each pair only one
text and insist that there be a reader who holds the book and a listener
who cannot see the text while the buddy is reading. Otherwise, it is
preferable for both students to have a book.
5. Ask the students to alternate paragraphs. (Alternate pages if the
students are in first grade texts).
6. When Buddy Reading is used as a whole class strategy, pairs of
children will be reading softly around the room.

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