Kamis, 31 Januari 2013


 1.1 Background of the Study
English is one of the international languages. It has an important role in  the world. Most people use English to communicate with other people from other countries. Science, technology, art and  culture development also cannot be separated to the role of this language. For those reasons English has been taught at every level of education in Indonesia as the first foreign language (Ramelan, 1992:3). 
Since English has become an urgent need in Indonesia as a means to develop Indonesian people quality, it is  taught earlier at school beginning from elementary schools as a local content up to third grade of senior high schools. But unfortunately even though various methods and approaches have been tried out to reach the purpose, the result has not been satisfactory yet. The objectives of English teaching  cover the four language skills: listening, speaking, writing,  and reading through the  mastery of the language components: vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

As we people know that final result of teaching is affected by some factors, they are: learners, the teacher, time allotment, material, the use of visual aid, methodology, teaching material and interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom.  Interaction is viewed as significant as it is argued that: only through interaction can the learners decompose the target language structures and derive meaning from classroom events , interaction gives learners the opportunities to incorporate target language structures to their own speech (the scaffolding principle) and the meaningfulness for learners of classroom events of any kinds whether thought of as interactive or not, will depend on the extend to which communication has been jointly constructed between the teacher and the learners (Craig Chaudron, 1998 : 10)
From the statements above it can be  inferred that classroom interaction includes all of the classroom events, both verbal interaction and non-verbal interaction. The verbal interaction takes place because of the teacher and learners talk, while non-verbal interaction covers  gestures or facial expression by the teacher and learners when they communicate without using words. These two kinds of talk are important; they dominate the classroom events and influence students’ foreign language acquisition.
Learners learn not only through comprehensible input but also their own output. But a  good lesson is not one in which students do all or even most of  the talking. Some lesson may be good if they are carefully structured in such away that students do a good deal of talking and at the same time get a lot of feedback from the teacher, both formally and informally. But this is by no means true for all lessons.
One of the guidelines to analyze the interaction activities is by using Flanders’ Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC). FIAC is a concept which states that teaching will be effective depending to a large degree on how directly and indirectly teachers influence the learners’ behaviors. Based on the FIAC, there are three categories in the classroom interaction, they are: teacher talk, students talk, and  no/all talk. Teacher talk includes accept feeling, praises, accept/ uses ideas of  students, ask question, lecturing, giving direction and criticizing. Student talk  includes student talk response and student talk initiation. And no/all talk is the situation which is in silence. (Allwright and Bailey, 1991: 202)
It is clear that the active role of both the teacher and learners is absolutely needed to create a good interaction because everyone will learn something better if he experiences it by himself. The learners have  to learn the knowledge about English from the teacher, be active in responding the teacher’s questions, and introducing their own ideas. Besides, the teacher must be creative in using teaching methods and techniques to support his talk in order to be interesting to be learned by the learners. Those are not easy tasks for many teachers, because as Goodman said that language appears sometimes to be so easy to learn and at other times so hard (Goodman, 1986:39). If the teacher fails, he cannot achieve the teaching-learning objectives. 

With all of these backgrounds, I want to study the teacher and learners talk in the classroom interaction in the English ?????????????????????????????????????


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