Minggu, 25 November 2012

S.O.S (The Structural-Oral-Situational approach)

S.O.S (The Structural-Oral-Situational approach)
The SOS approach was officially accepted by the Madras Presidency in 1950. Till 1990, the
SOS has been practiced in schools in South India. It is a communication of certain aspect
of the Direct Method, oral and Audio Lingualism. The basic importance features of this
approach are:
1.  Learning a language is not only learning its words but also the syntax

2.  Vocabulary is presented through grades.
3.  The four skills of (LSRW) Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are presented in
4.  Sentence patterns exist and can form the basis of a language course.
5.  Class room teaching and learning are made enjoyable
. 6 Concrete linguistic items are taught through Demonstration
7.  Abstract ideas are taught through association.
8.  It helps to develop learners competence in the use of structure in L2.

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