Senin, 26 November 2012

Semantic Feature Analysis

READING Strategy fi Semantic Feature Analysis

Reading component  Vocabulary/Comprehension
Related Standard(s) of Learning  3.5, 3.6, 4.4, 4.5, 5.5, 5.6

Overview of the strategy
Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) uses a chart that compares the terminology of a subject by its features
or characteristics. An SFA is a visual representation of how the terms students are studying are similar

or different. An SFA can be used with any content subject area.

Strategy procedure
1.  Choose a subject of study, e.g., pets.
2.  Create a table. List the terminology of the subject in the left column, and list the features or characteristics
common to the subject in the top row.
3.  Ask students to place a plus sign (+) to indicate that the feature applies to the term, or place a minus sign (–)
to indicate that the feature does not apply to the term:


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