Kamis, 22 November 2012


Stop-N-Think. Students convert their completed graphic organizer into a
written summary or essay citing the textual evidence that most strongly
supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text. Aligned assessment and feedback of writing products
can move learning forward with regards to writing skill, language acquisition,
and reading comprehension. Students give and receive timely objective
feedback resulting in targeted learning opportunities based on assessment

Stop-N-Think. Teach students the purpose of Stop-N-Think. Studies suggest
that the brain can only pay attention for so long before it needs to “stop and
think,” in order to better process learning (Jensen and Nickelsen, 2003).
1.  The Stop-N-Think provides students a graphic organizer to help them
process their learning while they are reading informational texts. 
Students may write words, phrases, or sentences. The may also draw
pictures to help them process and keep track of information.   Size of
“chunks” will vary based on the student. The text should be
“chunked” based on students ability to stay focused.
2.  The stops can be used to analyze in detail how a key individual, event
or idea is introduced, illustrated and elaborated in a text.  Students
will need to be directed at each stop as to what they are to analyze.

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