Senin, 26 November 2012

The ReQuest strategy,


Reading component  Comprehension
Related Standard(s) of Learning  6.4, 6.5, 7.5, 7.6, 8.5, 8.6

Overview of the strategy
The ReQuest strategy, based on the work of Manzo, stems from the idea that readers need to ask
informed questions in order to comprehend. ReQuest is recommended for weaker readers because it
involves a short portion of text, small groups, and supportive teacher modeling.

Strategy procedure
1.  Choose a text on the students’ instructional reading level. Ask the students to read the first paragraph or
several paragraphs silently.

2.  Construct and ask questions of the students based on the portion of text read. Have them answer the questions
without consulting the text at first. Then, have them consult the text to answer any question that could not be
answered without referring back to the text.
3.  Next, ask students to read the second paragraph or group of paragraphs.
4.  Ask the students to construct and ask questions of other students based on the second portion of text. Have the
respondents answer the questions without consulting the text at first. Then, have them consult the text and
answer the questions that could not be answered without referring back to the text.
5.  Have the students continue reading and constructing and answering questions until they can work more
6.  Assign partners or trios. Have the groups read silently a paragraph or small portion of the text at a time and
then take turns constructing, asking, and answering questions, portion by portion.


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