Kamis, 22 November 2012

Cooperative Reading Activity

Cooperative Reading Activity. Objective feedback is continually provided
ensuring the text remains the focal point of the lesson. Special emphasis is
placed upon how the product evolves as a result of group collaboration and
the shared discovery of new evidence from within the text. At the conclusion
of the activity, each student produces a narrative summary that outlines the
efficiency and productivity of the group in completing the task. A narrative
writing rubric aligned to the CCSS is utilized to assess proficiency in writing

and language as well as a means for establishing targeted learning

Cooperative Reading Activity. This strategy is based on the idea that students
can effectively divide a reading, share ideas in a bulleted list, and report to the
group.  Individual reading is required, but discussion and the decision about
the development of the main idea within the text rely on consensus among
group members.  Note taking is emphasized (Adapted from Opitz).
1.  Choose and distribute a text that can be divided into sections. 
Subheadings and strong introductions are helpful.  A teacher may
want to read the introduction aloud to the entire class.
2.  Divide the class into groups and provide each group chart paper.
3.  Instruct each group to record the central idea of the text and note
how the author adds information, explains details, etc… over the
course of the text.   
4.  Instruct each group to present findings to the class as a whole on
chart paper.  Note taking during these presentations is recommended
if each group was assigned a different section to report on.  
5.  The groups or individuals can be assigned to write an objective
summary of the text.


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