Kamis, 22 November 2012

Summarizing and Note-Taking.

Summarizing and Note-Taking. Upon completion of a note-taking activity
and/or graphic organizer, students create a visual display summarizing and
analyzing the central ideas of the text. Careful attention is placed upon
keeping the text central to the activity and remaining true to specific
language the author used.

Summarizing and Note-taking Summarizing and note taking requires the
ability to synthesize information. Details help tell you about the main idea
(Marzano, Pickering, Pollock, 2001). Remind students to not confuse a text
detail with the main idea.
1.   During the oral reading, think-aloud multiple times including
statements such as: “This detail tells me….”  “The text is mostly
about….”  “This is a very important detail…”  “This passage talks
2.  Post at least 4 sentences for all students to see.   Think-aloud with the
students and explain why the central ideas are central and why the
others are details.  Students need to hear your thinking.
3.  Explain that finding the central idea is an important skill that we must
learn to be good readers.  Demonstrate how to record the main
idea/details in a graphic organizer.  
4.  Model and practice with partners numerous times before students try
it independently.
5.   Any number of graphic organizers can work for this skill depending on
the length of the text.       


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