Senin, 26 November 2012

Group Quizzes and Exams

Group Quizzes and Exams

Tanenbaum (1998) described a process by which group quizzes were utilized to increase learning
during the test-taking experience.  Harris and Johnson have utilized this process and extended it to
include examinations. It is a efficient way to get students to read the textbook before class and to learn
basic course content according to Herreid (1998).
First, tests are taken individually. After the students have finished the test and marked their individual
answers they are put into small groups to take the test again.  In the small groups the students must
interact collaboratively to justify their answers and complete the exam a second time.  Who would expect
that the noise level during an examination would far exceed any other sounds in the classroom?  The
individual and group scores for the test are then averaged either as equal scores or with individual score
carrying two-thirds of the weight (Tanenbaum and Tilson, 1998). The quiz process becomes less a means
of assessment and more of an integrated part of the learning process.


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