Senin, 26 November 2012

List/Group/Label (Word Sort)

READING Strategy fi List/Group/Label (Word Sort)

Reading component  Vocabulary
Related Standard(s) of Learning  6.5

Overview of the strategy
A grouping and labeling activity prior to reading helps students predict and clarify the meanings of
words and the upcoming text. The teacher might list the words thought to be unfamiliar or ask the
students to brainstorm about the topic and identify such words. The teacher might provide the labels, as
in a closed sort, or ask the students to determine the categories, as in an open sort. This activity requires
classification, deductive reasoning, inference, and prediction. A similar activity after reading can help
students absorb and comprehend the vocabulary essential to the topic.

Strategy procedure
1.  Choose a topic, and instruct the students to brainstorm as many words for it as possible. Alternatively, select a
list of words from a text the students are going to read.
2.  Assign the students to small groups, and instruct them to sort the words into categories, either predetermined
by the teacher or developed by the students. The use of file cards is recommended.
3.  Verbalize as a model for the students the rationale for categorization of some of the words.
4.  Encourage students to verbalize the rationale for their categorization as well.


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