Minggu, 25 November 2012

T-T-T or Task, Teach, Task

T-T-T or Task, Teach, Task
This paradigm is perhaps the best for these materials. Here the teacher supplies the learners
i rst with a task, analyses their performance and selects an area of language to work on.
They then provide another task to see if the learners have absorbed the language point. In
this conception it is reactive teaching, requiring the teacher to feel coni dent about almost
any area of grammar. Of course, the teacher can also select a grammar area in advance that
they think would be problematic and prepare additional materials in advance. For example,
the initial questions in the Clinical Epidemiology lesson could be used to diagnose learner
ability with the language of giving opinions. The teacher could then correct and supply a
follow up task with discussion on the same topic

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