about a topic. It entails only enough structure to stimulate thinking about the connections between
ideas. It is a nonlinear form of thinking more closely associated with how our minds work.
clustering can be used in both the evocation stage and the reflection stage. It can be used
to stimulate thinking before a topic is more thoroughly studied, as a way of building new
associations, or as a way of graphically representing new understandings (reflection).
It is a writing activity that can serve as a powerful tool for introducing a writing process, especially
to reluctant writers. Mostly it is a strategy for gaining access to one’s own knowledge, understanding,
or beliefs about a topic. Because it is a writing activity, it also serves to inform the writer of knowledge
and connections the writer may not have been aware of holding at a conscious level.
to introduce clustering it is important to do several easy steps:
1. Describe the activity to students in advance and present the steps for clustering.
2. Pick a topic of interest for students and model the process as a group process. The teacher can
stay by a blackboard and write the students’ suggestions about what to incorporate into a cluster.
Never say to the children that their ideas are incorrect – accept each suggestion seriously. If as
a teacher you know the suggestion is wrong or mistaken, use questions or prompts that can help
the student come to an acceptable conclusion. teach all the students to accept each idea of their
classmates with respect! you can do this simply by modelling the respectful approach!
3. If necessary, repeat the procedure – but be sure the students are the sources of ideas, not you.
4. Pick together with the children a topic of interest to the group (class) – or more topics according
to children’s choice – and allow time for individuals to do a cluster on the topic chosen.
5. Allow time for four or five students to share their clusters with the group (class).
6. Repeat the procedure frequently so that students become familiar with it. Be sure that
the topics you suggest for clustering are really interesting for the students.
there are just a few basic rules to follow when using clustering:
1. Write everything that comes to your mind. Make no judgments about the thoughts, just write them down.
2. Do not be concerned about spelling or other writing constraints.
3. Do not stop writing until enough time has elapsed to get all ideas out. If ideas stop
flowing for same time, then doodle on the paper until new ideas come.
4. Let as many connections build as possible. Do not restrict the amount of ideas or the flow and connections.
5. When introducing cluster, select a topic that the entire group can relate to. For demonstration
purposes it can be a topic such as the town, family, pasturing, or something generic
Mind map (clustering)
1. explanation of the method with an example. The
trainer explains the procedure for using mind mapping
and then demonstrates with an example topic.
2. Selection of a topic for the mind map
Participants form groups based on their subject areas
(social science, natural science, self-contained). They
select a topic as a the group or individually.
3. Mind map procedure
The participants do the mind map individually using
the topic selected by the group or by themselves.
Encourage them to include some questions on the points which
they are unsure of or which they want to know more about.
Participants discuss in the subject area groups each other’s mind
map and select one for the whole class presentation.
reflection on the mind map
1. How can you introduce mind mapping to your students for the first
time? Describe the steps of using mind mapping in your class.
2. What do you think would be the challenges you
may face in using this method in your class?
3. What is the advantage of the method for students’ learning?
4. In the teaching – learning process, in which part of
the lesson can you employ such a method? Why?
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