Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Fluency Word Cards in reading comprehension

Fluency Word Cards
The students will read word cards with accuracy.
•  Word cards with words that contain familiar spelling patterns (or blends, rimes,
digraphs, etc.)
Tell the students that they will be reading cards with familiar word patterns. Then,
1.  Ask a student to read the first word card. Give the student no more than three
seconds to answer.
2.  If the student reads the card correctly, place it face down on the table. If the
student cannot read the card, tell him or her what the word is, emphasizing the

pattern, and place the unread or misread card in front of the student.
3.  Show the following word card to the next student, repeating step 2. Repeat until
all word cards have been read or given to students.
4.  Have the students who have cards in front of them attempt to read those words
again. If they are able to read the card quickly and easily, take it back.
5.  If a student misreads any words again, have the student keep the card and ask him
or her to practice reading it.
To check for comprehension, ask students to use each word in a complete sentence.
Instead of using word patterns, use cards with sight words written on them, and have the stu-dents use the words in sentences.


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