Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

Could improve the students’ reading comprehension through Collaborative Strategy Reading (CSR)

A.       Background
Language is a tool of communication that cannot be separated from human life. It is used in most of our time to communicate to one another in order to fulfill our needs in social interaction. There are many kinds of languages used in the world, one of them is English
                Reading is an interaction between the reader, the author and the text. The technique of teaching reading is very important to influence the students in success reading.  A technique can help students in reading, so in teaching English a teacher must use technique or methods where can help the students to comprehends easy what the teacher teach to them.
In teaching reading, teacher should introduce other materials as an alternative to give various situations to student in classroom process. These materials can be a media; it can be create a comfortable
atmosphere interest and to stimulate the students’ motivation during the classroom process. In the other hand, most high motivation is needed to learn reading.
This is an interesting strategy and it can improve the student’s reading ability, namely Collaborative Strategic Reading. This strategy to improve the students’ reading comprehension.
The researcher apply her research in SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung because from the observation and interview with some teachers and students, the researcher found that some of students are still low in English reading skill.
Relating to the case above the reseracher use Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) to improve the students’ reading comprehension at the first year students of SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung. They still cannot use a good pronunciation in reading because they consider that English subject is boring and scare. It is because of students lacking in reading. As value of observation in the classroom the students, have score 50, in the last semester the students score between, 50-65. This score is a poor category. This research want to solve this problem until the students have a good score
Syamsuriadi (2010:1) states that to develop the students’ reading one must find out an effective way of teaching and learning process especially in reading comprehension. The teacher should use a good strategy to improve the students achievement especially reading comprehension, So that the writer is interested in trying one strategy that could be used by teacher to improve their teaching strategy (in teaching English especially) and can help the students to understand the meaning of the words/sentences, it is Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) because this strategy is good and new strategy for teaching English.
CSR is reading comprehension practice that combines two instructional elements: (a) modified reciprocal teaching (Palinscar& Brown, 1984) and cooperative learning (Johnson & Johnson,1987) or students pairing..................................................[.....?]


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