Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Slap strategy in reading comprehension

The students will gain speed and accuracy in reading word cards.
•  For each pair of students, one set of word cards of at least 50 cards. The words may
be sight words, pattern words, or a combination of the two; they must, however,
be words with which the students are already familiar (independent level)
This activity is similar to the card game “Slap Jack.” Have the students sit in pairs and mix the
cards in their set. Then,
1.  Write or tell the students which word or pattern will be the “slap” card(s).
2.  The students hold their stack of cards face down. When you say, “Go!” each

student turns over a card and, as quickly as possible, reads it, then places it face up
in a shared pile.
3.  When a student flips and reads a “slap” word card, each student tries to be the first
to “slap” the pile of cards with his or her palm. The first student to slap the pile
reads the card again, and if it is read correctly, collects the pile of cards.
4.  If the student does not read the card correctly, the other student gets a chance to
read the card, and if it is read correctly, he or she collects the pile. The student
then shuffles these cards into his or her stack.
5.  Continue playing until one player has all or most of the cards.
Make the “slap” word a sight word or word pattern that has proven difficult for the students.
For English language learners, clarify the pronunciation and meaning of all unknown words
before beginning the game


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