Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Surveys method in reading skill

A survey is a method of gathering information for a specific purpose. It may take various forms, eg traffic
survey, values questionnaire, interview.
1. Determine the purpose of the survey — what information do we need to obtain?
2. Consider the form of survey most appropriate to gather the information needed on a topic/issue/problem.
3. Be aware that if questions are used, they should be carefully formed to elicit the required
information. Younger children can pose and find answers to simple questions. Older children will
learn to frame more precise questions, perhaps discovering that responses to broad questions often
confuse rather than clarify the purpose of the investigation. The need to trial a questionnaire could
be explored, as well as bias in sampling methods etc.
4. Supervision, safety and child protection issues, need to be considered and discussed with students,
eg when conducting a traffic survey, surveying adults. Students should not survey adults other than

their immediate family without teacher or parental supervision.
1. Decide with students:
i) The purpose of the survey.
ii) Who/what will be surveyed.
iii) How the information will be gathered, eg by questioning, observing, individually by students,
in jigsaw groups etc.
iv) When and where the information will be obtained, eg at home from parents, on an excursion,
at recess in the playground, or in the classroom.
v) The collation and final format and presentation of the data.
2. Model the above. Ensure the necessary safety rules, courtesies, protocols and policies are explained
and followed.
3. Assist students with the formulation of questions, techniques such as using tally strokes for
counting and design of questionnaires  as required.
4. Collate and record the results, eg as a table, graph, spreadsheet.
5. Students present their findings and draw conclusions from the survey.
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the survey and chosen survey method(s) in relation to the purpose.


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