Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

“And the Answer Is...” reading comprehensionn and writing

“And the Answer Is...”
The students will gain speed and accuracy in reading and writing.
•  For each student, paper and pencil or dry-erase board, marker, and eraser
•  Timer
Each student should have a piece of paper and pencil (or dry-erase board with marker and
eraser) in front of them. Then,
1.  Tell the students they will be writing a question. The question must be fairly easy

to answer and all the words in the question must be spelled as correctly as possible.
Hold students accountable for correctly spelling words they have learned.
2.  Give students one minute to write a question. Review the questions for clarity and
spelling, then have the students hand their papers to the person on their right.
3.  Give the students one minute to read and write answers to the questions passed to
4.  Each student then passes the sheet with the answer back to the person who wrote
the question, who checks it to see if the answer is correct.
After each student has responded, you may want to have the students continue passing the
papers to their right so that all students answer each question. Remind the students to read
the question carefully; one person may have incorrectly answered the question by not reading
it carefully!
For English language learners, ask students to read their question aloud. If necessary, help 
students rephrase their questions to reflect correct grammar


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