Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go! reading comprehension

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!
The students will build word recognition speed and accuracy.
•  One set of word cards per student; each set should contain 20–25 familiar words
•  Timer
•  For each student, pencil and piece of paper numbered 1–5
Assign students to pairs. Clarify any unfamiliar or unknown words before beginning the activ-ity. Then,
1.  Have the students exchange card sets. Tell them that they will take turns showing

each other the cards one at a time, for a maximum of three seconds each, for a
total of one minute (the cards may be read more than once). If a student misreads
a word, the other will place the card face down on the table.
2.  The first student sets the timer for one minute and
prompts his or her partner to begin reading.
3.  When one minute has passed, the student who
was reading counts the number of cards read
correctly, and writes that number beside the
number 1 on the paper.
4.  Review any of the words that students read
5.  Have the partners switch roles and repeat steps 2,
3, and 4. Continue for a total of five rounds.
Decrease the timing for the rounds to 45 or 30 seconds.
Add more word cards, use sight words, or words from the students’ Word Folder words (see the
Fluency activity “Word Folder”).
For English language learners, clarify the meaning of all unknown words.


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