Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Ground rules for our group

Ground rules for our group
Start the activity by asking the participants questions related
to classroom (or school) rules such as importance of rules,
how rules developed in their classes, who is responsible for
preparing rules in their school, how they usually follow the
classroom rules classes with large numbers of students, etc.

1. Make groups.

2.  Each group proposes and writes ground rules for the whole class
(would be followed by everybody).
Alternative: to be done in a whole group circle.
3.  In the whole group negotiate and prepare a final list of common
rules (everybody accepts), discuss them with the trainers.
4.  Write them on a piece of flipchart paper and
display on a wall in the classroom.
5.  What shall we do (as a group) if some of the rules are
broken by the trainees? What measures shall be taken?
reflection on the “Ground rules”:
1.  Is it possible to apply ground rules in your
class? If yes how? If no why?
2.  What would be the importance of ground rules in your class?
3.  What are the challenges in application
of ground rules in your class?
4.  What would you do to monitor whether the rules developed
in this way are respected. What if some rules are broken?


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