Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Rate and Expression in teaching listening or reading

Rate and Expression
The students will read independently, with speed, accuracy, and expression, as they listen to a
recording of text being read fluently.
•  A copy of the same book or independent-level reading material for each student
•  A cassette tape recording of an individual reading the book or reading material in a
fluent and expressive manner
•  A cassette tape player
•  Earphones, if appropriate
Give each student a copy of the book. If earphones are appropriate, provide these also. Then,
1.  Tell students that as they listen to the material being read, they are to track the
print and read along with the tape.
2.  Play the tape. Make sure students are following the text as it is being read.
Encourage them to note the speed and expression of the reader on the tape.
3.  At the end of the selection, discuss the rate and expression of the reader on the
tape. If appropriate, play the tape again, specifically noting the times when the
reader’s voice changes pitch or intonation.
4.  Read the book aloud again as a group without the tape, repeating the rate and
expression used on the tape.
Use a tape recording of a student from another group reading in a fluent manner. To extend
this lesson, insert a blank tape and have the students read fluently into the tape recorder, to
make their own copy of a “book on tape.” Have these tapes available for students to listen to
and read along with at other times

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