Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Mind Maps/Concept Maps in reading skill

Mind Maps/Concept Maps

A mind or concept map is a way of recording information. It allows students to organise their ideas
either as a class, small group or individually. A mind map is often associated with brainstorming and is
useful for drawing connections between ideas and concepts, assisting in the further research of a topic.
1.  Select a form of mind map which is appropriate to the topic.
2.  Determine whether a class, group or individual mind map is most appropriate.
3.  Decide, or have students decide on the most useful concepts around which the mind map is to be

1. A mind map can take different forms, making very simple connections to a main idea in Stage 1, or
containing a range of ideas and ‘sub’ ideas linked in various ways in Stages 2 and 3. Mind maps can
include pictures and representations as well as words.
2. Identify and communicate to students the purpose and use of a mind map.
3. Model how to create and interpret mind maps.
4. Give students time to develop their own mind maps and make connections in their own way(s).
5. Display mind maps for students to refer to and  use.
6. Explain that mind maps can be used in a variety of ways — as the basis for information reports, to
provide the basis for organising information, as topics for further investigation


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