Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

“Cloze” It Fast! reading comprehension

“Cloze” It Fast!
The students will read with speed and accuracy.
•  A copy of independent-level reading material for each student
•  A copy of the reading material for teacher use only, with target words or phrases
Give each student a copy of the text. Instruct the students that each one will take turns read-ing aloud from the text, beginning where the reader or the teacher before him or her stops.

Establish the order of student turns, as well as whether they should read only the next word or
continue reading to the end of the sentence. Then,
1.  Instruct students to follow along and read silently as the text is read aloud.
2.  Begin reading. Stop at target words or phrases in the text, allowing the appropriate
student to complete the reading of the next word or sentence in the text.
3.  When the student has finished, continue to read from the text, stopping at the
following target words or phrases and allowing the other students their turns at
“clozing” the text.
Have students and the teacher take turns reading and choosing the stopping point.
Have students form pairs to read a text together, stopping at words or phrases identified by the
students themselves.
For English language learners, before the activity play a tape recording of the text or reread the
entire text, while students track the print to review the content of the material


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