A. Background
Language is the most important thing for people as a means of communication. It is basically a means of both oral and written communication. People use language to express their ideas and wishes to others’ people such as when they need others help so that close relation among members of the group can be carried. It is important to learn English because it is an international language which is used in many countries over the world and widely used in many sectors such as information, trade, education, etc.
In Indonesia, English has an important role especially in education. Therefore, English is taught as the
first foreign language in all levels of schools and language courses. In school, English has been taught as a local content. Since The Basic Course Outlines of the 2004 Curriculum (2004: 7) in Nurhawaeni states that the objective of learning English at junior high school as a local content is to develop students' communication ability in the context of school. It means that the students are expected to be able to make simple transactional and interpersonal conversation which is potentially needed to communicate in the context of school. Here, the teacher plays important role since he has to be able to set students interest and motivation in learning English in order to develop students’ ability to communicate using all the resources they have already acquired to interact with others about their needs and interest.
first foreign language in all levels of schools and language courses. In school, English has been taught as a local content. Since The Basic Course Outlines of the 2004 Curriculum (2004: 7) in Nurhawaeni states that the objective of learning English at junior high school as a local content is to develop students' communication ability in the context of school. It means that the students are expected to be able to make simple transactional and interpersonal conversation which is potentially needed to communicate in the context of school. Here, the teacher plays important role since he has to be able to set students interest and motivation in learning English in order to develop students’ ability to communicate using all the resources they have already acquired to interact with others about their needs and interest.
In this study, the writer will focus on teaching writing in Junior high school considering that in learning language writing is the skill that students acquire in first to write something. Writing is important to support learning English especially in enriching vocabulary and gaining a large portion of their education. Therefore the writer considers that writing can be taught at junior high schools.
There are four skill should be mastered in learning English; speaking, reading, listening and writing. Writing will provide a basis for development of other language skills.
Due to the importance of writings explained above, the teachers have to develop students’ writing ability since it is the''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
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