Kamis, 06 Desember 2012


Open questions
The teacher uses open questions to provoke thinking and stimulate learning. Open questions encourage children
to express their ideas and their feelings and to promote children’s exploration and investigation. Such questions
do not have one right answer. They allow any child to respond; they provide insight into children’s thinking
processes. It is very important for teachers to ask open questions throughout the day as children are reading,
writing, computing and studying science, social studies, art or music. Open questions can be used to talk to
children about their social relationships with one another, about the classroom community or about their

lives at home. Open questions allow children to say what is on their minds and to feel secure in their answers.
Open questions help the students articulate their own points of view and understand those of others.
closed questions
Children are expected to know the right answer and may not even attempt an answer unless they are
sure. Teachers ask this type of question in order to find out what children know or if they have mastered
the material. In the child-centerd classroom teachers sometimes need to ask this kind of question.
With practice, teachers and children can learn to re-phrase their questions and ask more open than closed questions.


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