Senin, 03 Desember 2012


Classroom Teaching Strategies:
•  Learn and use student’s names, inside and outside of class
•  Ask students to re-state to material presented in their own words
•  Provide opportunities for students to interact with other students during class

•  Have students put problems on the board or have students explain problems while faculty
write the solution on the board
•  Provide lecture notes before class
•  Muddiest point exercise - What part of the lecture is  “as clear as mud”?  If the test were
today, what points would students like clarified?
Specific Achievement Strategies:  
•  Teach students to how to create test questions
•  Personally invite students to visit during office hours
•  Tell students what they need to do to be prepared for class, tests, and quizzes
•  Talk to students with “border-line” grades with the intention of moving students’ up one
grade level
Positive interactions to promote learning:
•  Use of complex questioning process during class - eliminate the use of simple questions
with yes/no answers
•  Analytical feedback - tell students why the answer is correct or incorrect
•  Wait time/think time - wait three seconds after asking a question for students to respond - 
this allows students to think and tells them participation is expected
•  Probing questions - ask multiple questions to the same student on a single topic. Faculty
guide the student through a thought process which leads to an appropriate response


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