Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

The Use of Short Play in Teaching Speaking (Pre Experimental)


The thesis describes the students’ ability to perform the short play and to find out the students’ difficulties in performing short play.
This research used a descriptive method. The sample of this research consisted of 30 students at the third year of SLTP Negeri 4 Takalar. The instrument consisted of two instruments it is the observation checklist and questionnaire when the observation checklist was used to find out the students’ ability in learning speaking skill in the short play and the questionnaire was used to find out the students difficulties in learning short play. The data obtained from the observation checklist analysis into percentage mean score and the questionnaire were analysis difficulties in speaking skill through short play by mean score.

Analyzing the data it was found that the students’ ability in learning short plays at the third year of SLTP Negeri 4 Takalar got  score (7.16) it means that the students have good performance short play with criteria students in perform short play, with present clearly, speech currently, and constructively. And difficulties in speaking skill got score (60.06) it means the students neutral difficulties and the relationship of these two scores are means that the students ability in learning short lays through short plays, because we can see about the score.


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