Jumat, 04 Januari 2013




This chapter deals with research background, problem statement, objective of the research, significance of the research, and scope of the research.
     A.    Background
In Indonesia, English is taught in junior high schools and senior high schools, even in elementary school. Studying English is not a new thing for students of junior high schools. Although English is not a new thing for senior high school students, in fact, they still have many difficulties in studying English. As we know that English is not the Indonesian native language. It is difficult for the students to remember all the words in
English and to understand when someone speaking English.
English has four skills; listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Language skills are defined into productive skill and receptive skill. Productive skills are; speaking and writing, whereas receptive skills are; listening and reading. However, for the students the written one is the most difficult skill of language.  Writing itself as a productive skill is quite important in developing the students’ competence and performance of language.
In all subject in our life or in all profession, the ability to write or to express oneself clearly is essential basic for success (Adelstein and Vipal in Takko; 2009). But, the students in general still find that writing is quite difficult. Consequently, they are lack to mastery it.
Concerning to the problem above, so the teacher must be able to create the subject so that the students able to study writing easily. Besides, the kinds of the text also important in order to make teaching writing successfully. To select appropriate text, the teacher must consider the characteristics of the students, such as motivation, interest, aptitude, learning style, etc., which directly related to the learning process (Karolina; 2006).
Writing process help students become aware of their skill. Creative writing is not only to communicate information but also to make reader cares about the information, makes him tell, experiences, gets under his skin, must be developed by encouraging students to discover who they are and what they have to say (Donald Murray in Takko; 2009).
In case of language teaching, the purpose of teaching writing based on the curriculum is enable the students to summarize the text with grammatical sentences based on the questions given and make a narrative and descriptive paragraph (GBPP BahasaInggris, 1999). However, those purposes are hard to be achieved in writing activities because when the students are assigned to compose narrative and descriptive paragraph, it is regarded as a difficult task for students and most of them will feel unease.
In writing process, the students must have an idea about what they will write and far they know the topic, find the appropriate words to express an idea. One simple way of making writing more meaningful to students is to make students write something elaborate the experience they have. Every experience has the seeds for the????????????


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