Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

An Analysis Errors in Sentence Production by Students


         The existence of English as a new language for Indonesian especially and for the other country generally may encounter various problem whether in pronouncing, intonation, choosing the right words, and so on. It is normal for Indonesian learners to make errors in their learning process since English is a
foreign language not a native language. In learning English, there are still many problems that they face whether in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Feeling nervous and anxious which lead to an error in speaking can be found not only when a person speaks in front of many people but also when he or she speaks with another person. Those feeling are related to a mental process when people want to produce speech or sentence. There are two kinds to name those mental processes when people saying, namely: hesitation (pauses) and errors. Talking about speech, it is realized that there is relationship between speech and slip of the tongue because slip of the tongue is one of the type of speech errors. This research focuses on
slip of the tongue made by students of MAHESA Institute Pare Kediri.
         This research is designed by using qualitative method. This research is psycholinguistics research because it analyzes the relation between language and human mental especially study of Second Language Acquisition (SLA). The data were collected from the utterances produced by students of MAHESA Institute
Pare Kediri. The researcher analyzed the data using the theory of Djarwowidjojo (2003) about speech error. The researcher analyzed the data by recording, transcribing the utterances, coding, classifying, and making conclusion.The results of the study show that 5 types from 6 types of slips of the tongue, they are: semantic error, malapropism, bends, transposition, anticipation, and perseveration. Malapropism was not found in this research. Most of case of slip of the tongue found in this research is semantic error, perseveration, anticipation, blends, and transposition. The common factors that influence slip of the tongue in speaking made by students of MAHESA Institute are nervousness, speak too fast, and confuse in choosing the suitable words


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