Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

The Effectiveness of Pre Reading Plan Technique in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension (ckassroom action research)


A.      Background
Reading is one of the important aspects that influence the students’ success in learning English because by reading students can increase their vocabulary and mainly goals of the teaching English in Indonesia to enable the students to use English for communication and to read English and references in English.
For the students who want to develop and extend their knowledge, Reading  Comprehension skill is a fundamental skill in obtaining progress. The students can extend their knowledge by reading books. Through reading, the students can improve their knowledge in many fields and sciences.
Reading is an active process of identifying important ideas, comparing, evaluating, and applying them. ( Mc. Whorter, T. Kathleen : 1999 ) therefore, in reading paragraph, we have  to try to comprehend the main idea of the reading material, without comprehending the paragraph; it will be difficult to understand  what we have read or what the writer means or what reading material.

In teaching and learning English reading process, the comprehension toward the material is the main goals, but the fact show that the majority of the students encounter the problem in comprehending the English texts.
By looking at this fact, the English teachers are expected to always make some effort to help the students to improve their reading comprehension; teachers must give variation in teaching them in reading class. If the students are only taught to read and memorize the grammatical pattern, they will get bored, so variations are really needed to overcome boredom. Byne ( 1998 ; 130 – 132 ) states that students seem to learn better when they are engaged
In teaching reading the teachers find some problems. Edythia (1998) states that it is the fact that the students who study English may be fluent readers in their native language, but they cannot transfer the skills in reading English. When they read an English text, they tend to know or focus to the words rather than on the entire text and they are laid to their dictionary, therefore they read slowly, word by word and have lack of understanding the text.
The writer had done on observation at the Tenth year of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar, the writer found many problem in teaching learning English especially in Reading. The English teacher at the school said that, in learning a reading text, the students sometimes find some difficulties to comprehend it. They do not understand the content of the material, what the  text is about and they are hard to find out the main idea and details from the text.
Based on the result it observation of the research at SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar especially the Tenth Year ( X ) in anomalous semester of school in academic year 2011-2012, it shows that the mean score of the students reading comprehension is low, it about 60 and the score standard is
One of the effective ways to solve this problem is by applying Pre-Reading Plan, where students are trained to free associate on key vocabulary words, reflect on these associations, discuss their associations as a group, and then reformulate their knowledge based on the discussion. This is based on a study by  Langer (1981) which is concern about an effort to integrate instructional assessment with pre reading instruction.
The Pre-Reading Plan technique begins with the teacher introducing a key word, concept or picture to stimulate a discussion. By having the students say anything that initially comes to mind and having that information recorded on the blackboard, participants are able to see the associations. By asking the students questions, such as, “What made you think of…?” they become aware of their network of associations. The students also have the opportunity to listen to other explanations and interact with other students. This interactive process also provides students with the opportunity to accept, reject or alter their own initial associations and to integrate them into more accurate pictures of the target concept. After that is the reformulation of knowledge, which provides the opportunity for students to verbalize any changes of modifications of their associations that may have occurred during the discussion. The purpose of helping the student to link his/her background knowledge with concepts in the text is to set up appropriate expectations about the language and content of the passage.
By applying this Pre-Reading Plan technique, it is possible to the teacher to make good decisions about how to increase students’ knowledge. The activating knowledge consists of building students’ awareness of what they already know and elaborating and refining what they know through group discussions. This activating???????????



 1.1 Background of the Study
English is one of the international languages. It has an important role in  the world. Most people use English to communicate with other people from other countries. Science, technology, art and  culture development also cannot be separated to the role of this language. For those reasons English has been taught at every level of education in Indonesia as the first foreign language (Ramelan, 1992:3). 
Since English has become an urgent need in Indonesia as a means to develop Indonesian people quality, it is  taught earlier at school beginning from elementary schools as a local content up to third grade of senior high schools. But unfortunately even though various methods and approaches have been tried out to reach the purpose, the result has not been satisfactory yet. The objectives of English teaching  cover the four language skills: listening, speaking, writing,  and reading through the  mastery of the language components: vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

As we people know that final result of teaching is affected by some factors, they are: learners, the teacher, time allotment, material, the use of visual aid, methodology, teaching material and interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom.  Interaction is viewed as significant as it is argued that: only through interaction can the learners decompose the target language structures and derive meaning from classroom events , interaction gives learners the opportunities to incorporate target language structures to their own speech (the scaffolding principle) and the meaningfulness for learners of classroom events of any kinds whether thought of as interactive or not, will depend on the extend to which communication has been jointly constructed between the teacher and the learners (Craig Chaudron, 1998 : 10)
From the statements above it can be  inferred that classroom interaction includes all of the classroom events, both verbal interaction and non-verbal interaction. The verbal interaction takes place because of the teacher and learners talk, while non-verbal interaction covers  gestures or facial expression by the teacher and learners when they communicate without using words. These two kinds of talk are important; they dominate the classroom events and influence students’ foreign language acquisition.
Learners learn not only through comprehensible input but also their own output. But a  good lesson is not one in which students do all or even most of  the talking. Some lesson may be good if they are carefully structured in such away that students do a good deal of talking and at the same time get a lot of feedback from the teacher, both formally and informally. But this is by no means true for all lessons.
One of the guidelines to analyze the interaction activities is by using Flanders’ Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC). FIAC is a concept which states that teaching will be effective depending to a large degree on how directly and indirectly teachers influence the learners’ behaviors. Based on the FIAC, there are three categories in the classroom interaction, they are: teacher talk, students talk, and  no/all talk. Teacher talk includes accept feeling, praises, accept/ uses ideas of  students, ask question, lecturing, giving direction and criticizing. Student talk  includes student talk response and student talk initiation. And no/all talk is the situation which is in silence. (Allwright and Bailey, 1991: 202)
It is clear that the active role of both the teacher and learners is absolutely needed to create a good interaction because everyone will learn something better if he experiences it by himself. The learners have  to learn the knowledge about English from the teacher, be active in responding the teacher’s questions, and introducing their own ideas. Besides, the teacher must be creative in using teaching methods and techniques to support his talk in order to be interesting to be learned by the learners. Those are not easy tasks for many teachers, because as Goodman said that language appears sometimes to be so easy to learn and at other times so hard (Goodman, 1986:39). If the teacher fails, he cannot achieve the teaching-learning objectives. 

With all of these backgrounds, I want to study the teacher and learners talk in the classroom interaction in the English ?????????????????????????????????????


The Use of Circle Games as a Strategy to Improve the Student’s Mastery in English Vocabulary (classroom action research)

 1.1 Background of the Study
The increasing need caused by developing era demanded the global society to enhance their human resources quality in order to compete to the other countries. In responding this situation, the role of communication had become a part that could not be separated from this condition. As English had become very powerful language in the world, it became one of international languages, most global community used English as a media of communication with another.  Mohammad Reza Talebinezhad & Mohammad Aliakbari (2007) said that English as an International Language referred to the use of English by people of different nations in order to communicate with one another.
As the important of English in communication, it was not something difficult to see that the language was frequently used either to formal or informal places such as foreign companies, embassy office,  tourism sector and many other places. Different from Singapore, Bangkok, Malaysia  and
India, they put English as their second language as their language communication while Indonesia put English as its foreign language. It was used as an instrument of utilizing modern sciences and technology for national development and it was also used as a mean of communication when Indonesian wanted to communicate to people from overseas. No doubt that only few Indonesians mastered of it, most of them tended to ignore it,   they used to think that foreign language was not something useful for their daily life  and learned of it would only waste of time.
However, nowadays, the assumption was gradually scraped off by the developing era that demanded  the society to be more competitive and to be able to enhance their human resources quality. Therefore, the role of English was needed to face the era of globalization, where it would be many new things happened in our nation. Since English recently was treated as foreign and important language for Indonesian, it had a major portion in Indonesian educational system and became a compulsory subject to study  either in junior or senior high schools in today’s Indonesian educational system.
Ricardo Schutz (2007) said that English in its role as a global language that it had become one of the  most important academic and professional tools. The English language was recognized as undoubtedly the most important language for the increasingly mobile international community to learn. This was a fact that seemed to be irreversible. English had become the official language of the business and scientific worlds. The massive trend of learning English was not without a reason. The development of the country’s economy, science and technology  that tended to be influenced by many English speaking countries had put people who understood English in more advantageous position, especially in job finding. Many Indonesian people started to believe that English would help them so much in finding a job than those who did not.
As the most important foreign language in Indonesia, English became one of the compulsory subjects taught in junior high school, senior high school and some????????????


Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

The Application of Contra-Tricentric Method to Improve the Students’ Speaking Ability (A Classroom Action Research)


This chapter present background, problem statement, objective of the research, significance of the research, scope of the research.
A.    Background
Language is the most important aspect in human interaction. People communicate and interaction with others using the language. In widely community, English has become international language. Most of the community in the whole word use English in order; they can communicate with others who have different language. From this English language is important to be teaching and learning by the students. And as the form of our government’s response toward this case, English language is put in the educational system in our country and it is teaching from elementary school until university and become a compulsory subject. In other
word, English has become a part of our life because it is very important vehicle for developing the country. Therefore, every one must be able to use it in speaking.
In the fact, one problem that usually find is that the students are capable of structure or reading, but still have the lack of speaking. Speaking is one of complex skills need to train continuously and surely in conductive situation, it is one of skills that become priority in English learning process. Without it learning process cannot be willing to work wither in class. Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning of contexts (Chaney,??????? ????????