Minggu, 27 Desember 2015

Improving The Student Writing Skill on Descriptive Text By Using Think, Talk, Write (TTW)

Improving The Student Writing Skill on Descriptive Text By Using Think, Talk, Write (TTW)
In this chapter the researcher present of background of study, formulation of the research problem, purpose of the research, significance of the study, definition of key terms, and organization of study.
A. Background of the Study 
Language  is  the  principle  means  for  human  to  communicate,  to  transmit information or to share idea. English language is important language to develop culture, science and as a means of communication with other nations in the world. Language is can said an instrument to send or exchange information and to interact with the others. Language is used by all people in the world as means of communication. Anyone cannot interact with others without language, thus it is very important to learn language.
There  are  four  language  skills  in  teaching  English;  they  are  listening, speaking, reading and writing. Generally, language can be spoken and written, so it is also necessary to learn writing. 
Harmer (2007:33) states “Writing is frequently useful as preparation for some other  activity,  in  particular  when  students  write  sentence  as  a  preamble  to discussion activities”.

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