Selasa, 29 Desember 2015

A Comparative Study in Teaching Reading by Using DRTA (Direct Reading Thinking Activity) and KWL (Know – Want – Learn) Method at Second Year Students

A Comparative Study in Teaching Reading by Using DRTA (Direct Reading Thinking Activity) and KWL (Know – Want – Learn) Method at Second Year Students
This  chapter  presents  the  background  of  the  research,  research  problems, objectives of the research, research hypothesis, significance of the research, scope and limitation of  the research, definition of key terms, and the organization of the research. 
A.  Background of the Research
The  education  system  in  Indonesia  apparently  has  undergone  many changes.  It  occursbecause  there  is  discussion  of  education  system  which results  in  lack  of  program.  According  to  that  statement,  the  government  in Indonesia  gives  more  attention  in  teaching  learning  process.  It  is  necessary for learners  especially  English students learners (ESL) to build or shape their proficiency in using English language in this era globalization. 
Learning is acquiring new, modifying existing knowledge, behaviour, skill,  values,  and  may  involves  synthesizing  different  type  of  information.  It does not happen at once, but build upon and is shaped by what we are already known.  Huda (1999 :  19) states  “Learning occurs consciously  awareness of language codes are shown by the ability to produce discourses without being aware  of  the  language  codes”.  Learning  is  shown  to  students  in  order  to  be able to mastery the materials that have been explained by the teacher.

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