Rabu, 23 September 2015

Improving the Seventh Grade Student Writing Descriptive Text Using Public Figure Photo at SMP

Improving the Seventh Grade Student Writing Descriptive Text Using Public Figure Photo at SMP


            This chapter consists of background of the study, statement of problem, objective of the study, the significance, hypothesis, definition of the key term. Each section is presented as follows:
A.    Background of the study
English is an important language to learn because it is one of the international languages. The people of different background use English to communicate with other. In the eras of globalization, the function of English language becomes more important especially in the economic sector. Many inventors come to Indonesia. They speak English for communication.
Now, English is very important lesson in junior high school. Because in the academic 2012/ 2013, the school in Indonesia are expected to apply the Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). In the KTSP, the school has its authority and responsibility for determining the subject matter and goal of every education unit. 
In Junior High School, the English teaching is aimed to reach functional level (Depdiknas, 2006:227). It means that the students are demanded to be able to use English to fulfill their daily needs such as reading newspaper, communicating with other people both in oral and written. In accordance to achieve that demand, the teaching English in Junior High School focused to the????????????

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