Senin, 21 September 2015

The Effectiveness of Using Mime Stories towards Students’ Listening Comprehension Ability

The Effectiveness of Using Mime Stories towards Students’ Listening Comprehension Ability
In  this  chapter  the  researcher  serves  seven  topics  related  to  the  study. These topics are cover background of the study, research problem, objective of the research, research hypothesis, significance of the study, and definition of the key terms.
A.  Background of the Study
Language  plays  the  important  role  in  education.  By  using  language  the process of education runs smoothly. In educational institutions, many people learn languages  mainly  English  language  because  it  is  very  useful  language  to communicate  with  other  nations.  As  we  know  that  English  is  a  foreign  language that  is  taught  in  Indonesia  from  Kindergarten  School  to  University  as  second language. That is why as a country which is use English as a second language, it’s deeply important to learn as early as possible.
As  second  language  learning,  understanding  a  language  is  not  simple, especially when people have to learn it. That is why the process of acquiring that English  language  skill  normally  takes  a  lot  of  time.  Most  students  as  second language learners, want to be able to understand what people are saying to them in
English,  either  face-to-face,  on  TV  or  on  radio,  and  soon.  In  fact,  it  is  very difficult to them. The difficulty is caused by many factors varying from difference of  sounds  between  the  second  language  learners’  first  language  and  the  second>?????

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