Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

The Increasing Of Students’ Ability In Writing Recount Text by using Jumbled Summary Strategy

The Increasing Of Students’ Ability In Writing Recount Text  by using Jumbled Summary Strategy
A.  Background
Writing is important way in communication for human life because it is one of the language skills. By writing skill, someone is asked to be clearly formed of writing in order to the communication will be easier to be understood. The importance of writing for human life is the same as the importance in school environment.
Writing is needed in school environment not only as tool for transferring the  knowledge from teacher to the students and student with students, but also as one of  English skills that should be learned by students, besides others skill like, reading, speaking and listening.
As one skill of English, writing can  help students to learn and develop their English by expressing their knowledge, experience and so on. It can be expressed in form of essay a paragraph, a letter, a short story and etc.????

Minggu, 29 Maret 2015


A. Background                                                                 
English is one of the language in the world that has an important role for communication. It has used as an international language in all over the world. It is important for us to learn it. English is a compulsory subject in both public and private school that function as a means of the advancing student in, science, Technology and culture. In Indonesia, English is taught from junior high school up to university. Levels even taught it also taught to some elementary school as an optional subject.
There are four skill taught in English subject namely: Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening.  Listening as one of the four language skill is a part of oral and receptive skills. This is a very essential component in communication: because we cannot catch someone transmitted to us if  we do not have good listening ability.
Related to the statements above, the researcher did pre- observation that is done at the first year student of SMP Muhammadiyah 12 Makassar , the researcher faced some problem in teaching learning English. One of them is the students’ problem in listening comprehension. Based on the result interview of the English teacher at the first year students of SMP Muhammadiyah 12 Makassar, she said that the mean score of the students’ achievement in listening comprehension is very low. It is 4.8 mean score while the target score is 7.0.
By looking in this fact, lecturer or teachers give variations of teaching technique. It is a good method to help students activate their prior knowledge. A KWL (Know, Want, Learn) was described by Ogle in 1986 as a framework that is used to connect a student’s prior knowledge to what they are actively learning. The student begins by thinking about what they already Know about the topic of study. Next, they think about what they  Want to know, and finally, they actively  Learn something new about the topic. The students can do this activity independently, with minimal guidance from the teacher, or it can be a teacher directed activity
This possibility motivates the writer to conduct a research under the title. “Improving the Students’ listening Comprehension at SMP through Know, Want, Learn(K-W-L) Technique

Jumat, 27 Maret 2015


A.    Background
Nowadays, science and technology development demands people to increase their knowledge and experience. One way to increase their knowledge and experience is by reading. Reading is one-step to study effectively. Through this step, it can develop our memory, comprehension, and more knowledge for example when the people study textbook, article, short story, and even a novel. Reading can increase our science and give us knowledge information. Reading is an activity with a purpose. Someone may read for many reasons, for instance to gain information and exiting knowledge, or in order to critique a writer’s ideas or writing style.
Reading is one of the basic communicative skill,  but it has very complex process. It can be said that, reading is a process in which reader finds information given by the writer in the written form. In this case, reading can be said as an interactive process, checks, and ask questions about what the text is about. Leonard (1961) states that reading involves nothing more than correlating sound image, that is ”spelling” while Robert Karim (1980) defines that reading is as a thinking process instructing the ideas of the authors.
Reading comprehension is not just reading with a loud voice but reading is established to understand the meaning of word, sentences, and paragraph sense relationship among ideas as it is. If a student just reads loudly but can’t understand the content of the text, it means that he fails in comprehending passage. (Simanjuntak 1998:4)
The theory of comprehension assumes that effective understanding is a function of the relationship between present information and active knowledge , and that effective communication therefore depends on the degree to which listener and speakers share a  common semantic “field”.(Buhler,1908). When preparing students for a reading activity, we can help them become aware of relevant prior knowledge, while we judge whether or not that knowledge is sufficient for comprehension of the text. And that point we will be able to make knowledgeable decisions about reading assignments and instruction and related concepts, (Langer, 1981:153)
Most of students in south Sulawesi find difficulties in comprehending a short story for example to identify the character of the actors and the plot of the short story, so that, learning English needs a good strategy for their students, we must try to think whether our strategy, the teachers should understand what the best strategy is suitable or not because it can give a impact to students. All the point of the object must be understood. This orientation is consistent with Buhler’s (1908) “field theory” of comprehension, which assumes that effective understanding is a function of the relationship between present information and active knowledge, and that effective communication therefore depends on the degree to which listeners and speakers share a common semantic “field”.
In teaching learning process we see that most of the teachers just use conventional teaching in the class, so I think if the teachers use a technique to the students in the teaching reading materials it can increase their reading comprehension because with technique the students can be easy to comprehend than without technique. The technique of teaching reading are very important to influence the students in success reading. A technique can help students in reading so in teaching English a teacher must use technique or methods where can help students to comprehends easy what the teacher teach to them.
A strategy that is Listen-Read-Discuss method is one of strategy can be used by the teacher in teaching. A technique can help students because learning strategy for students more effective than without a technique. Because teching by a technique the students more effective in learning. it is suitrable with that Manzo said that the listen-read-discuss method is one teaching strategy for the teacher and learning strategy for the students more active in comprehending material. (Manzo, 1985) 
Based on the explanation above, the research uses L-R-D strategy to overcome the problems. The researcher is interested in applying this strategy so the research will conduct the research entitled “improving the students’ reading comprehension through Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) strategy at the SMA.

Rabu, 25 Maret 2015


A.    Background
Nowadays, English language is very important to our lives. This language is use world- widely in sciences, knowledge and technology, as well as education business, and other activities in the world. In the past, the Indonesia students start learning English at junior High Scholl (SMP) as a compulsory subject. The process continues to Senior High Scholl (SMA). In fact, English is also taught in some elementary schools as the local content lesson and even in some kindergartens.
In learning language English there are four skills that should be master in learning; they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those are very important for English learners. Reading skill is one of the main points to master English because a lot of students have opinion that reading an important target, with reading they can get information and entertainment beside for their career and study target. So that’s why I will focus on reading skill in my research. As support for students in improving reading skill, student have to be give knowledge about component of language, such as knowledge about vocabulary, structure, pronunciation; sound for help their skill language. The other it curriculum and system education also will assist teachers in improving education by significant especially learning English language.
In improving reading skill of students’, teachers have to use good strategy, precise method, and resource of study, media on learning, assessment process and evaluation. To know about it, hence previously researcher have to do observation, and after researcher doing observation in SMP Negeri 3 Sungguminasa Class VIII hence obtained result on learning English Language that is student not focus when learning process, lees understand about information on material, students are behaving passive when learning process, students almost boring on class, and students shy to reading because they weren’t confidence with their selves, while problem faced by teacher is how to make students focus during the learning and teaching process.
According to result of the first observations above, researcher decided to choose Guided Reading method because Guided Reading assessment can assist students and teacher on learning process. And Guided Reading also can make students become active and independent learned because guided reading method applied to make students pleased.
In this case pleasing meaningless make the class room condition become boring, hilarious, or make the students play in the class during learning process but pleasing in here have mean as a procedure makes gladness joy with planning. This procedure will make enthusiasm of student so they have spirit to involve problem during the learning process.  The other it based of writer Guided Reading has many excellences for Students and teacher in learning and ???????????????????????????????????

Senin, 23 Maret 2015


 1.1 Background of the Study
In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language. English has a major position in Indonesian educational system. It is one of the compulsory subjects to be studied in junior and senior high school in today’s Indonesian curriculum. A large number of public and private universities and colleges realizing the demand of producing graduates mastering English. That’s why English is included as one of the subject to be taken in early semester of the study. More over, now there is a preference to teach
English at Elementary Schools even in kindergartens. The students are expected to have skills of language in simple English with emphasis to have speaking skill using selected topics related to their environmental needs such as tourism industry. It is in line with the objectives of learning English at Elementary School as stated in the local content of teaching guidelines that one of the objectives of learning English at Elementary School is that the students are expected to have skills for listening, speaking, reading, and writing English with the emphasis on mastery of speaking skill for communication using selected topics related to the environmental needs such as tourism and business in Central Java Province.
Teaching children is not same as teaching adults because they have different characteristics and different motivations. In order to make English teaching successful, we have to consider some factors such as the quality of teacher, students’ interest and motivation, the book used and the others. All of them are involved in a teaching and learning process. In teaching English to children, a teacher plays an important role  because he has to give the very basic introduction of the first foreign language. He must be able to know the students’ interest and motivation in learning English. 
Vocabulary is a fundamental requirement that influence students’ achievement in studying English. Without vocabulary there is no communicate, read, and write can be conveyed. So that, it is important to know what the vocabulary is. As follow is the definition or concept of vocabulary by some experts. Good (1973:143) defines that vocabulary as the words having meaning when heard and seen even though not produce By the individual himself to communicate with others and the words are considered essential for minimal use a language.
Techniques are the tools of a teacher. An effective teacher has a multitude of technique and must be able to select the ones, which will be the most efficient in leading the learners to the desired terminal behavior. To reach the success in teaching and ?????