Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Improving the Students’ Speaking Skill through Role Play Technique

Improving the Students’ Speaking Skill through Role Play Technique
A.    Background
Language which is used by community is basically one of the tools of communication and very important in community’s life. It is because of each community can not make relation to each other without the use of language which can be understood by community. Language that is used by one community may be different, but there should be a language that covers all community, one of the languages that cover all communities where the people know as an international language.
English as one of international language has an important role in this word right now, because most of information about science and technology use English. The government of Indonesia has put English as an essential subject to be learned from elementary school up to university level. It is caused of English has big
role in development of the countries through science and technology.
There are four language skills in English language namely, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those are very important for English learners. The learners are expected to be master in both of them. But, almost all of learners in every school in Indonesia only master a part.
The writer has done the diagnostic test at class XI IPA of SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung-Gowa. Actually, all of the students are good in listening, reading and writing skill. They almost never have problems for these. But all of the students in the class have very significance problems in speaking skill. The problems are varieties. One people and the other people have difference. The writer just can think and conclude that the students are poor in speaking skill.
The score of the students in class XI IPA of SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung-Gowa in speaking test are varieties. The mean score that is gotten is only 5.23, while the KKM is 6.50. It is categorized in poor category. Actually, the problem is affected by some factors such as, in learning process we can find that the students always prove the difficulties in speaking. The students always made mistakes in grammar, pronunciation aspects.
Basically, they only speak English but they do not pay attention to the sentence structure and correct pronunciation. Besides, the students still have limited vocabulary, due to they are seldom practice their English language. Some of the students are shy to have an opportunity in speaking. Event, they prefer to be silent in speaking activity. To solve the problem in this research, the writer would like to focus in speaking skill.
To solve the problems above, the writer will apply one of the teaching methods. This is the interesting method and it can improve the students speaking ability, namely varieties of discussion method. This method is designed to create the students’ interest to speak out or practice their English language.
The variety of discussion method is the teaching method that uses various type of discussion method in learning process which can be changed in every meeting. Rasyid (1995: 10) states discussion as a classroom teaching device can be in the form of (a) whole class discussion that is the class ask questions and express their opinions or recognized topics, and (b) small group discussion that is the class is broken down into small groups, then the small groups discuss the assigned topics. It is assumed that smaller

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