Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

The Increasing Of Students’ Ability In Writing Recount Text by using Jumbled Summary Strategy

The Increasing Of Students’ Ability In Writing Recount Text  by using Jumbled Summary Strategy
A.  Background
Writing is important way in communication for human life because it is one of the language skills. By writing skill, someone is asked to be clearly formed of writing in order to the communication will be easier to be understood. The importance of writing for human life is the same as the importance in school environment.
Writing is needed in school environment not only as tool for transferring the  knowledge from teacher to the students and student with students, but also as one of  English skills that should be learned by students, besides others skill like, reading, speaking and listening.
As one skill of English, writing can  help students to learn and develop their English by expressing their knowledge, experience and so on. It can be expressed in form of essay a paragraph, a letter, a short story and etc.????

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