Senin, 04 Januari 2016

The effectiveness of using SMART Strategy in reading comprehension of second grade students

The effectiveness of using SMART Strategy in reading comprehension of second grade students

This  chapter  discusses  about background  of the  research,  research problems, objectives  of  the  research, research  hypothesis,  significance of  theresearch, scope and limitation of the research, definition of key terms.
A. Background of the Research
English is one of international languages which has an important role in  the  world.  In  Indonesia,  English  is a  foreign  language  that  is  taught  from elementary  school  to  University.  English  is  a  foreign  language  used  as  a medium of instruction at school, many students think that English is the most difficult subject.
The  goal  of  teaching  and  learning  English is to  produce  and comprehend  language that are  spoken  and  written.  Some  people  think  that  a successful  English  learner  is  a  person  who  can  speak  English  fluently.  They do not know that a person who is said a success English learners is a person who masters in all of English skills
There  are  four  skills  in  English,  they  are  speaking,  writing,  listening and reading. One of the language skills that has to be mastered by students in learning a foreign language is reading skill. It is very important in the process of  learning  because  reading  in  English  helps  the  students  learn  to  think  in????????

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