Minggu, 17 Januari 2016

The Effectiveness of Using Alphabet Soup Game Towards Students Writing Ability at MTs

The Effectiveness of Using Alphabet Soup Game Towards Students Writing Ability at MTs
In this chapter the researcher presents background of the research, research  problems,  purpose  of  the  research,  research  hypotheses, significance  of  the  research,  definition  of  key  terms,  and  thesis organization.
A.  Background of the Research
English is a global language that is used around the world. It has a special position since used as international language to communication by a lot of people in the world (Harmer 1992: 2). According to Crystal (2003: 3)  a  language  achieves  a  genuinely  global  status  when  it  has  been admission  in  every  country.  This  phenomenon  has  created  positive interactions  as  well  as  tensions  between  global  and  local  forces  and  has had serious linguistic, ideological, socio cultural, political and pedagogical implications. Sharifian (2009: 1) stated that English has the important role in  many  parts  and  used  by  people  in  the  world  as  the  international language  to  various  purpose  without  forced.  Thus,  it  means  English becomes very important to communicate, spread to access knowledge and information???????.

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