Minggu, 31 Januari 2016

The Effectiveness of Using Hot Potatoes Quiz towards Students’ Grammar Achievement in Simple Present Tense

The Effectiveness of Using Hot Potatoes Quiz towards Students’ Grammar Achievement in Simple Present Tense
In this chapter, the researcher serves seven topics related to the research. The topics  cover  background  of  the  research,  research  problems,  objectives  of  the research, research hypothesis, significance of the research, scope and limitation of the research, definition of key terms, and thesis organization.
A.  Background of the Research
Success in learning English can be seen from the mastering of the four skills which are important for  communication both orally and in a written  form. These language  skills  include  listening  and  reading  (receptive  skills)  and  speaking  and writing (productive skills). To be success in mastering those skills, there are three components  that  are  actually  as  the  requirements  include  grammar,  vocabulary, and  pronunciation.  From  those  components,  grammar  is  considered  the  most important  as  it  serves  as  the  foundation  for  more  advanced  language  learning (Cahyono and Widiati, 2011: 87).
Grammar  is  the  structural  foundation  of  our  ability  to  express  ideas  and feelings. It is a set of rules governing how the words in a language may be joined to  make  sense.  Teaching  grammar  basically  purposes  to  build  students’????????????

Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

The effectiveness of using context clues on the students’ vocabulary mastery of the fourth grade

The effectiveness of using context clues on the students’ vocabulary mastery of the fourth grade


In  this  chapter  the  researcher  presents:  background  of  the  study, formulation  of  the  research  problem,  objective  of  the  research,  hypothesis  of the  study,  significance  of  the  study,  scope  and  limitation  of  the  study, definition of key terms and thesis organization.
A.  Background of the study
English  as  a  language  for  international  communication  is  clearly needed  by  many  learners  to  deliver  through  and  interact  in  a  variety  of situation  through  the  language,  as  for  foreign  travel,  business  or  other professional reason. In Indonesia, English is one of international languages which take a widest range of using (Zaenuri, 2001:24). English is used for news  and  information  or  advertisement  in  newspapers,  radio,  and television.  Therefore,  English  is  regarded  as  the  first  foreign  language   taught in school, from the Elementary school to the university. 
The  function  of  teaching  English  at  Elementary  based  on Kurikulum Muatan Lokal is as a tool for self-expression in understanding and  using  English  so  that  the  students  may  become  clever  and  skilled citizens  who  are  not  isolated  from  the  environment  (Departemen pendidikan dan kebudayaan, 1994:29). Therefore, students are taught how to speak, read, listen and write in English. In order to achieve those goals, students  must  be  able  to  master  the  vocabulary  because  it  is  one  of  or  a????

Selasa, 26 Januari 2016

A Study on The Strategies of Native Speaker Teacher in Teaching English for English as Foreign Language Students

A Study on The Strategies of Native Speaker Teacher in Teaching English for English as Foreign Language Students
This  chapter  presents  the  background  of  thesis  study  followed  by  the research  questions.  Next,  the  purpose  and  the  significance  of  the  study  are  stated then the scope and limitations to the study are presented along with the definitions of key terms.
A.  Background of the Study
According  to  Larsen  (2011)  language  is  an  instrument  used  for communication. Language is the human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication in order to express an idea, opinion, mind and feeling. Language  itself  is  mentioned  as  a  system  of  communication  that  consists  of sounds, words and grammar, or the system of communication used by the people of a particular country or profession. When we communicate, we use the language to accomplish some function such as arguing, persuading thing or promoting some brands. Without using language, it’s hard to imagine how people can cooperate to one another.
There  are  many  languages  those  are  used  by  people  in  the  entire  of  the world.  Then  English  is  one  of  the  international  languages  that  is  used  by  many people in the world and in many areas of everyday life. Therefore, using English is  the  easiest  way  to  communicate  with  people  from  other  countries  about  many?????

Minggu, 24 Januari 2016

The Effectiveness of Using Guided Dialogue Activity Toward the Student’s Achievement in Speaking at Seventh Grade Students of SMP

The Effectiveness of Using Guided Dialogue Activity Toward the Student’s Achievement in Speaking at Seventh Grade Students of SMP
In this chapter presented the introduction of research. It covers background of the research, research problem, objective of the research, the significance of the research,  hypothesis  of  the  research,  scope  and  limitation  of  the  research,  and definition of the key terms.
A.  Background of the Research
In this present it is important to be able to speak and understand English Language.  English  has  made  very  big  influence  in  the  parts  of  human  life. Learning  English  is  not  only  important  to  get  education  but  also  to  get  new technology, science and knowledge. It is spoken in almost every nation in the world. In our world, it is known as universal language. Anywhere we go in the world, we will find people who speak English. And majority  of the world of entertainment uses English too.
“There are two kinds of way in which people  establish  communication in  language.  They  are  oral  and  written.  Oral  and  written  occur  within  one social and work together to form meanings within that situation.”(Burns, 1997)
According to Brown (2000:335) “Written communication is result of employing  strategy  to  manage  the  composing  process,  which  is  one  of gradually  developing  a  text.  Written  product  is  often  the  result  of  thinking,????????