Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014


An Experimental Research
A. Theoretical Framework
1. Vocabulary
Studying language cannot be separated from studying vocabulary because it is an essential component of language. Vocabulary is one components of language beside grammar. Students who want to learn a target language, have to learn those components.
a. Definition of vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of the language components which shouldbe mastered by English learners. Vocabulary has role, which parallel with phonology and grammar to help the learner mastering four language skills.
Finocciaro explains that” the students’ vocabulary can be divided into two kinds, namely active
vocabulary and passive vocabulary”. Active vocabulary refers to the words in which the students can understand and pronounce correctly can use them in speaking or in writing used by person to encode his idea. Passive vocabulary refers to the words in which the students can recognize and understand while they are reading or listening to someone speaking, but they do not use the words in speaking or in writing. The words or vocabularies can be spoken and also written.
Another opinion by Marianne Celce and Murcia Elite Olshtain,“There are two kinds of vocabulary: they are function words andcontent words”
1)      The function words are those vocabulary items that belong to closed word classes (i.e. word classes that do not readily admit new items or lose old ones: pronouns, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, determiners and adverbs).
2)      The content words are those vocabulary items that belong to open word classes (words classes that readily accept new words and discard old ones).
The content words can be divided into three general classes:
1)      Words that refers to a person, a place or a thing that we mightcall them nouns.
2)      Words that express an action, an event or a state are called verbs
3)      Words are used to describe the qualities of thing or action are called adjectives and adverbs.
Thornbury (2002:13) stated without grammar very little can beconveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.13 Only withsufficient vocabulary one can express his ideas effectively, canunderstand the language task and foreign language conversation. With the limited vocabulary the students will have the difficulties in learning and understanding the foreign language.
Parts of speech are classified into its various types. The types of part of speech consist of pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction and preposition Each Part of speech will be classified into its various types. Such classification will be based chiefly on differences in structural form or in grammatical behavior, after that the part of speech will be described according to the observable signals that operate the grammar, functions, position????????????????????????????

Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

Improving Students’ Motivation Through Colaborative Learning Strategies (An Action research)

Improving Students’ Motivation Through Colaborative Learning Strategies 
(An Action research)


 1.1.Background of the Study
Most of teacher still focused their teaching activity on the delivery of a curriculum to fulfill their target in teaching and learning process. They feel comfortable if they can teach all of material from curriculum in time. They are rarely thinking to the growth of their students physically and mentally. It is enough for them if the students pay attention to the lesson quietly, work alone, and stop talking. As the result students have traditionally been isolated communicatively and physically.  Teachers have lectured and students have listened. Teachers-and the textbook-have been the sources of knowledge and authority in the classroom. 
In the traditional model of the classroom, in which the curriculum is presented from a textbook on one instructional level, the motivation students may diminish. Feelings of success and a high motivation in
learning only perform by the students who are accustomed to the textbook-oriented. While those who cannot master the textbook will be unmotivated and feel unpretentious. 
The academically talented students may not demonstrate their full academic potential in the classroom. When one instructional level from the curriculum is presented in a classroom, there will be no opportunity for some students to achieve beyond that level provided. If grades and competition do not particularly motivate the students, they may be quite satisfied to coast along in school. These students may express a lack of motivation, which may manifest itself in off-task behavior, lack of participation, and outward disinterest by these students.. 
Hargis (1990:5) suggests a theoretically different classroom. He speaks of placing students in four to five-member groups of mixed ability to work together. In this grouping there is motivation for all students to do well. This kind of strategies then knows as a collaborative learning strategy. And research studies overwhelmingly favor collaborative learning (CL) as the most effective form????????

Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014


(An Action Research)


1.1 Background of the Study
Language is a very important means of communication in daily human life. Human being uses language both in written and spoken forms to express their  idea. As stated by Ramelan (1992: 10), language is an arbitrary system of speech  sounds which is used in interpersonal communication by an aggregation of human beings, and which rather exhaustively catalogs thing, process, and events in the human environments.
English has become an international language. People of different countries speak English to communicate. English is a key,  which opens the door to scientific and technological knowledge. The
Indonesian government has chosen English as the first foreign language to be taught in the schools. English becomes one of compulsory subjects from Junior High School up to University. Therefore, the government provides a curriculum as the guidance of English teacher in teaching-learning process. In the English curriculum 2006, the learning activities involve listening, speaking, reading and writing. The four skills are taught cohesively. Although  it is focused on the four skills, pronunciation is not separately taught from the four skills.
It is difficult for Indonesian students to pronounce English words correctly, for example when they are asked  to pronounce the word “umbrella” /  ∂mbrel∂ / they will pronounce /umbrella /. It is because of the differences between their mother tongue and the English. The degree of difficulty in learning is also determined by the degree of difference between the two languages. The greater similarity between them, the less difficult it will be for  the students to learn the foreign language (Ramelan,1985:5).
Pronunciation is one of the most important parts of English to communicate with others since there are differences between the symbol and its sounds. When we communicate with other people we should not only have a good vocabulary but also have good pronunciation. Therefore, it is important to teach pronunciation. As stated by Harmer ( 2000: 183 ) that  for all these people, being made aware of pronunciation issues will be of immense benefit not only to their own production but also to their own understanding of spoken English.
The students often find problem with pronunciation when they speak, read, or listen to English words. It might be caused by some factors. Learning English is very complex since there are many factors that determine the success or failure of learners in language learning. There are two kinds of factors,???????????

Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014

The Improving The Students’ Speaking Ability Through Problem Based Learning Strategy

Improving The Students’ Speaking Ability Through Problem Based Learning Strategy
A.    Background
                Speaking skill is one of the difficult activities in learning English. It is one form to get information through oral communication in the world. It is become mare and more useful for  everyone who wants to learn about English.
 In most conversation, the world flows with just the least of mental urge. People think about what to say, who they are talking to, where they are, and they also need to know how many times to talk. So, focusing on their accuracy and fluency is the main learning process to get developing of the students in their speaking performance.
Moreover, the students get optimal standard achievement in speaking because they do not know what their aims to speak English, the condition and situation in the classroom have not been designed naturally for
speaking, and the student still lack in use vocabulary, correct grammatical and acceptable interaction. Therefore, the teacher must regard how the classroom interaction should best be designed to cater the students’ communication need. In this case for improving the students’ speaking ability, the writer is going to carry out the research that emphasize on the aspect of learning goal, creating the learning process (La Costa in Sanjaya:2006:105). This strategy is the named “Problem Based Learning Strategy”.
            According to M. Taufik Amir, (2009:8) the students should be active in learning process in choosing to formulate the information, construct the information, consider and reflect the students experience to determine how  knowledge  can be transferred to all situations.
Wilkerson and Gijselears (1996:86) claim that problem based learning (PBL) is characterized by a student- centered approach, teacher as “facilitators rather than disseminators, and open ended problem that “serve as the initial stimulus and framework for learning.
Gallstudentagher (1997:337) the instructor plays a critical role in helping students become self-directed learners and must create classroom environment in which students “receive systematic instruction in conceptual, strategic, and reflective reasoning in the context of discipline that will ultimately make them more successful in later investigation.

Minggu, 17 Agustus 2014

The Improving the Students’ Pronunciation through Homophone Games

Improving the Students’ Pronunciation through Homophone Games
A.    Background
In English language teaching, there are four language elements namely: structure, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling. Those elements are though in order to develop the students’ skill in the language learning. One second of them should be noticed is pronunciation is considered difficult element method that can be applied in learning pronunciation.
The researcher has observed that in junior high school students are lack of pronunciation while Nurhayati (2008:1), states that the pronunciation means knowledge of knowing to produce word which is very essential in oral communication. When speakers mispronounce some words or phrases, people can be
misunderstanding. To reduce it, the teacher must equip the learner with English certain degree accuracy and fluency in understanding, responding and in expressing him self in the language in speech in other the learners communicatively in using the language.
The specific characteristic of English learners who categorized as a good and successful oral skill developer is those who have a good pronunciation of English consonant and English vowel. A good pronunciation of English consonant and English vowel suggested is a consonant and vowel of pronunciation that sounds like native speaker. Therefore, it is necessary for English learners to have a good pronunciation to support them to be good speaker (Nurhayati, 2008).
Due to the problem above, most of the result indicates that the students have low ability in pronunciation included the students of the second year SMP Negeri 15 Makassar. Based on the researchers’ observation, she got that the students still have much difficulty when they are asked to pronounce especially English vowels. Besides that, based on the students’ mean score is still low. 
              There are many interesting media that can be applied to serve the pronunciation in the class; one of them is Homophone Games. With the reason that games offer students a fun-filled and relaxing learning. After learning and practicing new vocabulary, students have the opportunity to use language in a non-stressful way (Uberman, 1998:2).
              Games also motivate students to introduce an element of competition into language-building activities. This provides valuable impetus to a purposeful use of language (Prasad, 2003). In other words, these activities create a meaningful context for language use. Most students who have experienced game-oriented activities hold positive attitudes towards them (Uberman, 1998:2).
              Homophone Games are a natural follow on from the homophone dictation and can be used to help the students to practice and remember homophones (Editor, 2000). A homophone is a word that is pronounced