Minggu, 06 April 2014

Improving Students’ Speaking Skill By Using Action Function Method (A study at the seven grade students of MTsN)


1.1   Background of the Study
English is one of the human languages in the world that has important role in communication. It has become international language and almost practiced in all part of life, especially in this global era that has full of competition and English becomes one of determiners and assessments of the competition. So that it is important for us to learn the language. It is similar to the statement that English has dispersed and diversified, has been adopted and adapted as an international means of communication by communities all over the globe.

There are four skills that we have already known in English, namely writing, speaking, reading and listening. Later, the skills should be taught better to master and get complete thought about English itself because each skill has general or specific function in communicating. But we cannot deny that speaking is the
most important one for asking information and conversely for delivering information, speaking is the direct system of communication.  
Speaking is like the first assessment for each learner who is studying English and each learner has to speak. This statement means an obligation, duty, task, fact, implementation, process, and it can be learning, although we still find some students are speaking little or even passive in the classroom, and it can be caused of many things include the students, the class situation, environment, teaching method, technique, approach or even from the teachers who cannot deliver their material successfully.
In this last century, many linguists and educators give more attention in action research to teach English as a foreign language. According to Stephen Kemmis and Hopkins in book of A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research states that action research is a form of self reflective inquiry undertaken by participants in a social (including education) situation in order to improve the rationality and of their own social or educational practices justice,their understanding of these practices, and the situation in which practices are carried out.
The researcher has found similar case in MTsN Sagulung Batam,at seven class where the students cannot say something perfectly in English. They do not know what they must say and how to say, they look very confuse to express the ideas on their mind even not active enough on their speaking class, and it can be seen as the last score of the students that almost do not achieve minimal criteria, 65. According to the teacher’s experiences that the problem relates directly to the teaching method and how the teacher delivers material. There is no specific method to teach English, we are not controlling the class but we are controlled by the class and situation. Speaking is the most important lesson that the students should be mastered, but in fact speaking becomes the most difficult lesson to understand by the students, so that the speaking always becomes passive class in every meeting.   
Based on the fact as previous problem above, then, the researcher emphasized the problem and tried to investigate what idea came in his mind and began to collect his literatures based on the problem, analyzed focus of the problem and appropriate extends that would be needed to be practice driven in this research preparation. His research is about speaking in early production or to the student who will begin to produce their sentences and deliver the idea without worrying any failure; his target is to improve the students’ speaking ability at seven class of MTsN Sagulung Batam. 
Teaching speaking is an interesting and challenging duty for teacher for some considerations. An English teacher is asked to be more creative with flexible lesson planning in teaching this skill, like selecting an appropriate technique, materials, teaching instructions, teaching aids, and time allocation which can help the students in their process to speak the language well.
There are many methods can be adopted by the teacher in teaching this skill, and one of them is Action Function Method. This method focuses on meanings and natural communications (use) . It developes communicative competence. Developing the communicative competence produces learners’ acquisition and fluency.
Speaking is a chance for everybody to learn anything, a variety of speaking performances in the language classroom is derived more from different vocabularies and texts.
This method will be applied with interesting situation in the classroom, and it consists of introduction, concert, elaboration, production that are oriented through classroom action research, so that the students feel the process of learning directly. Class will be set as situation of English that automatically engaged students to express their ideas easier and free and it  means that a class situation where the whole contents of study include the teacher, the students, class decoration, instructions, material, situation, and others have become unity that relate each other. 
Based on the factual information and explanation above, the researcher is interested in conducting a class action research under the title “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill By Using Action Function Method (A study at the seven grade students of MTsN Sagulung, Batam).


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