Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

The Use of Scaffolded Reading Experience (SRE) Strategy to Improve the Students’ Reading Skill in Narrative Materials


A.   Background
In learning English, there are four skills we must study. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The four skills mentioned are diveded into receptive and productive skills. Speaking and writing are productive skills, while listening and reading are receptive skills. Beside the four language skills above, reading is of great importance to student show mother tongue is not English, because they almost do not have oppurtunity to hear or to speak that language. Comprehending English is a difficult thing for students if they are do not have basic knowledge, especially in comprehending reading text.
Reading, which belongs to receptive skill, can be defined as a process whereby one looks at and understands what has been written (Williams, 1999: 2). It means that, when someone reads, he looks at something written and tries to get the meaning to understand it. Reading can also be described as a mental or
cognitive process which involves a reader in trying to follow and respond to a message from a writer, who is in distant space and time (Davies, 1973: 1). It means that reading activity connects the reader and the writer although they are in different time and place. 
In teaching reading, teacher should introduce other materials as an alternative to give various situations to student in classroom process. These materials can be a media; it can be create a comfortable atsmosphere interest and to stimulate the students’ motivation during the classroom process. In the other hand, most high motivation is needed to learn reading.They should have an effective.
According to the researcher's observationfrom diagnostic test the students' reading skill of the second years SMP PGRI 2 Takalar was still low with mean score 55. They still had difficulties in understanding the text. The texts which were taught in the second yearsof Junior High School were descriptive, news item, and narrative. Based on the observation in the classroom and the interview with the teacher and the students, the researcher found that they had difficulties in narrative text. They had difficulties in understanding the characteristics of the text including the social function, generic structure, and language feature. The generic structure includes finding detail information and determining the parts of the text. While, the language feature includes vocabulary, finding references, and understanding the tenses. 
From the problems above the researcher will apply one of teaching strategy. This is an interesting strategy and it can increase the student’s reading ability namely Scaffolded Reading Experience (SRE) Strategy to improve the students’ narrative read skill. This strategy is designed to create the students’ with target score is 75
 A Scaffolded Reading Experience not a preset or largely preset plan for dealing with a text. Instead, an SRE is a flexible plan that you tailor to a specific situation. It has two parts. The first part, the planning phase, takes into consideration the particular group of students doing the reading, the text they are reading, and their purpose or purposes for reading it. The second phase, the implementation phase, provides a set of prereading, during-reading, and postreading options for those particular readers, the selection being read, and the purposes of the reading.
Relating to the case above , the writer conducting an action research entitle: ”The Use of Scaffolded Reading Experience (SRE) Strategy to Improve the Students’ Reading Skill in Narrative Materials”

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