Senin, 30 September 2013

Increasing the students’ writing ability through Send a Problem method ( Classroom Action Research)


A.    Background
Writing is expression of the writer’s idea by producing graphic symbols to form words, words to sentences, sentence to paragraphs on the paper, so the reader can follow what the writer means. ( Kroma and Byrne in Baya, 2006:13)
The ideas in symbol form as what Kroma and Byrne says above, may come from the writer’s felling or may come from the prior knowledge of the writer, such as; the result of reading book or magazine, watching TV, or even come from a discussion and seminar. The symbols can be expressed such on a paper in order that it can be consumed by someone or public. Of course that writing has a special contribution whether for the reader or the writer itself. Martin in Axelrod said that writing has a special contribution to the
way of people think. When we write,  we compose meaning. We put together facts and ideas and make something new, whether in a letter home, in a college essay, or in a memo to the boss. When we write, we create a complex web of meaning in which sentences have different relationships to each other. (Axelrod and Cooper, 1985:2)
He continued that writing also contributes uniquely to the way we learn. When we take notes during lectures or as we read, writing enables us to store new information in memory. Talking notes permits us later to review far tests or to find information for an essay.
Although writing has a great contribution, however it is not easy to make a good or appropriate writing. According to Heaton, in making a good and appropriate writing in English, it needs many abilities. Besides language use ability (the ability to write correct and appropriate sentences) and mechanical ability (the ability to use correctly punctuation and spelling), conceptual and judgmental ability are also needed (J.B. Heaton, 1991:135).???????

Senin, 09 September 2013

The effect of Communicative learning Teaching (CLT) towards students’ listening ability for the eight year students of SMP


            This chapter presents the discussion on the background of the study, statement of the problems, objective of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study, assumption of the study, hypothesis of the study, and definition of key terms.
1.1  Background of the Problem
            There are many languages used as a means of communication by people all over the world. One of them is English, which has a role as an international language. It is known as the first foreign language taught in Indonesia. It is started from Elementary School up to University, because it is important for developing the science.
            Many students in Indonesia do not like English. They get difficulties, boredom and confusing in
learning it, because it is not their mother tongue. English teacher should be able to motivate the learners in learning this foreign language. Harmer (1993: 3) states motivation means a kind of drive that encourages somebody to pursue a course action. It should be done by every English teacher in order that the students are interested to learn this language. English teacher must be able to manage the teaching by using certain method in the teaching-learning process, so that the students will like it without boring and despair.
            Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) started developing in Great Britain in the 1960s, when British applied linguists began to question the assumptions underscoring Situational Language Teaching. Noam Chomsky was among the first ones to demonstrate that standard structural theories of language were incapable of accounting for the creativ-ity and uniqueness of individual sentences. Therefore, there was a shift from the insis-tence on the mere mastery of grammatical structures to the emphasis on communicative proficiency.
            In learning English there are four skills which are necessary to be mastered by the learners. Those skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Referring to the title, the writer limits the explanation to the listening only. Speaking skill is very important skill that must be mastered by every language learners, because one is called mastering a language when he/she is able to demonstrate the speaking skill. In order to master this skill, a teacher as an educator have to use good method in teaching learning process. In this case, the researcher concerns with the effectiveness of CLT toward students’ listening ability an experimental for eight grade students of SMP because so far CLT has not been practiced in the field by most English teachers.

Minggu, 08 September 2013

The use of Mind Mapping to Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension (A Classroom Action Research)

A.    Background
Reading is a process of recognition or interpretation of written materials. Sheng (2001:12) stated that reading is a process of communication from the writer to the reader. It involves letters, words, phrases, and clauses. Through reading, we can get many knowledge and information.
In reading comprehension, the message to be imposed in the written form and it is the most important element so the students must recognize it because the primary   purpose of reading is to know the thoughts expressed in the printed material.  Therefore, reading with comprehension is very important way to get
contact with the natives and to know how they use their language in written form to understand the content of the text. It will be important to make reading activity as effective as possible.
Based on the result interview of English teacher at X1.IPS of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bontoala Makassar he said that the mean score of the students’ achievement in reading English at 2010-2011 academic year is very low, it is about 5,00  and the target  score is about 7,00. In this case, the students have to read critically, and the teacher must select the suitable material to teach it.
Based on the students’ problem above, the researcher will apply Mind Mapping technique in her research because it is a suitable technique in learning reading. Mind Mapping is one technique to develop reading comprehension of students because this technique is more focused on the students’ ability in their group

the Application of Top Down and Bottom up processing in Teaching Listening Comprehension (Classroom Action Research)



A.    Background
            English is one of the language in the world that has an important role for communication. It has used as an international language in all over the world. It is important for us to learn it. English is a compulsory subject in both public and private school that function as a means of the advancing student in, science, Technology and culture. In Indonesia, English is taught from junior high school up to university. Levels even taught it also taught to some elementary school as an optional subject.
There are four skill taught in English subject namely: Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening.  Ji Lingzu (2003:3) state that listening there are also two simultaneous and complementary ways of processing a
text. In top down processing, learners rely on their linguistic knowledge to recognize linguistic elements: vowels, consonants, word, sentences to do the construction of meaning.
 Teacher often think that learners hear every sounds, or sentences before they understand the general meaning of the passage. However, in practice they often adopt a top-down approach to predict the probable theme and then move to the bottom-up approach to check their understanding.
 Top-Down processing strategy is more concerned with the activation of schemata, deriving meaning, global understanding of a text. Bottom-up  processing  typically focuses on sound, word, intonation, grammatical structure and other components of spoken language. (Nunan,P: 1989)   
Top-Down processing utilizes internal, high-level of the acoustic environment and prior knowledge of properties and dependencies of the object in it. This approach is double-called prediction-driven processing, because it is strongly depending on the prediction of an abstracted on internal model and on the prior knowledge of the sound source. (Ellis: 1996). Bottom up processing on the other hand, is text based on which the listener realize on the language in the massage that is the combination of sounds, words and grammar that creates meaning “(Goa,2003: 4). In other word words  bottom up processing refers to driving the meaning of the text based????????????????????????

Jumat, 06 September 2013

The use of Words Chains Games increase the vocabulary mastery of the second year students of



This chapter describes the background, problem statement, the objective of the research, the significance of the research, and the scope of the research.

A. Background

Vocabulary is a key to master English because by mastering vocabulary, it is easier for students to understand English. In other words, most of text books are written in English, Alwasilah in Maryam (2003: 1) point out that at least 60% of scientific books are written in English, while the people who can read and understand English are still limit, if  they don’t master vocabulary. In order to master English, the elements of language skills such as grammatical structure, vocabulary, and sound system must be taught to the students as the prerequisite knowledge toward the English language use and skills because language is characterized by
these elements.
 On of the element of English involve in the language skills is vocabulary. Vocabulary is only needed to convey what one wish to say that is organized by Grammar. The ability to communicate and to convey our social needs could not establish without having enough vocabulary as Williams(1978:11) acknowledge that:
“We would accept that vocabulary will be initially less important than grammar. The fact is that while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed, what are normally teach of as vocabulary, item, hours, verbs and adjective do included contain more than a sequence of lexical item with grammatical information other words and yet we have no difficulty in understanding them”.

The reality shows that without vocabulary building, students cannot communicate his or her ideas, emotions, feelings, and desires. It is impossible communication without words. It means that words are the tool of communication, learning, and thinking. We can say, hear, and read anything by using words. And also Wallance (1989:9) says that:
The students who have good contract of language, including vocabulary with both breath and depth, cannot communicate ideas and problems with great accurately, clarify, and precision.

Therefore, learning vocabulary is fundamental to support learners to master English. Realizing the importance of vocabulary building, the students are necessary to learn vocabulary not only from school. Beside that one of the goals in learning and teaching English is to make the students master it soon, but in fact they even find many handicaps in learning it, even though they have studied it for a long time. There are many ways to study English with fun in a school, and one of them is applying one of the games namely “Words Chains Games” as one of technique in teaching vocabulary studying; they also get pleasure to that subject because learn naturally without stress. Beside that, using Words Chain Games make the students unconsciously get more vocabulary. Even in the purpose, not only teach them vocabulary, but they are also expected to be able to use it in communication. One of the alternative teaching ways to increase the student’s vocabulary mastery is through games. Games automatically stimulate student’s interest.
There are many reasons why games are important in the language learning classroom. As carries in (Rosmanita; 2007) summarize other reason for including games in the language class is to create communicative games, the students can increase both the speaking skill and the vocabulary mastery.
Based on the statement above it is clear that learning vocabulary is very important and it is a fundamental requirement that increase the student mastery in learning English. Relating to the issue above the writer would like to conduct a research with the topic “Using Words Chains Games to increase the vocabulary mastery of the second year students of SMUN 1 BELOPA”
The  researcher choose to do the research in SMU 1 BELOPA, because the writer observe the vocabulary mastery of the students in SMU 1 BELOPA especially in the second year students is still low. Because according to their teacher is one of the English teacher in SMU 1 BELOPA who I have interviewed pointed out that the students of SMU 1 BELOPA don’t have a interest in learning English. Event almost all of them don’t have motivate to increase their English moreover their vocabulary mastery.
Their vocabulary mastery is still low and the researcher wants their vocabulary mastery to increase in their progressing. So the researcher purpose select a game in teaching English which is Words Chains Games to increase the student’s vocabulary mastery. This game may not be used yet in SMU 1 BELOPA but may have been used in other schools. This is another reason why the writer intends to do research in this school