This chapter describes the background, problem statement, the objective of the research, the significance of the research, and the scope of the research.
A. Background
Vocabulary is a key to master English because by mastering vocabulary, it is easier for students to understand English. In other words, most of text books are written in English, Alwasilah in Maryam (2003: 1) point out that at least 60% of scientific books are written in English, while the people who can read and understand English are still limit, if they don’t master vocabulary. In order to master English, the elements of language skills such as grammatical structure, vocabulary, and sound system must be taught to the students as the prerequisite knowledge toward the English language use and skills because language is characterized by
these elements. On of the element of English involve in the language skills is vocabulary. Vocabulary is only needed to convey what one wish to say that is organized by Grammar. The ability to communicate and to convey our social needs could not establish without having enough vocabulary as Williams(1978:11) acknowledge that:
“We would accept that vocabulary will be initially less important than grammar. The fact is that while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed, what are normally teach of as vocabulary, item, hours, verbs and adjective do included contain more than a sequence of lexical item with grammatical information other words and yet we have no difficulty in understanding them”.
The reality shows that without vocabulary building, students cannot communicate his or her ideas, emotions, feelings, and desires. It is impossible communication without words. It means that words are the tool of communication, learning, and thinking. We can say, hear, and read anything by using words. And also Wallance (1989:9) says that:
The students who have good contract of language, including vocabulary with both breath and depth, cannot communicate ideas and problems with great accurately, clarify, and precision.
Therefore, learning vocabulary is fundamental to support learners to master English. Realizing the importance of vocabulary building, the students are necessary to learn vocabulary not only from school. Beside that one of the goals in learning and teaching English is to make the students master it soon, but in fact they even find many handicaps in learning it, even though they have studied it for a long time. There are many ways to study English with fun in a school, and one of them is applying one of the games namely “Words Chains Games” as one of technique in teaching vocabulary studying; they also get pleasure to that subject because learn naturally without stress. Beside that, using Words Chain Games make the students unconsciously get more vocabulary. Even in the purpose, not only teach them vocabulary, but they are also expected to be able to use it in communication. One of the alternative teaching ways to increase the student’s vocabulary mastery is through games. Games automatically stimulate student’s interest.
There are many reasons why games are important in the language learning classroom. As carries in (Rosmanita; 2007) summarize other reason for including games in the language class is to create communicative games, the students can increase both the speaking skill and the vocabulary mastery.
Based on the statement above it is clear that learning vocabulary is very important and it is a fundamental requirement that increase the student mastery in learning English. Relating to the issue above the writer would like to conduct a research with the topic “Using Words Chains Games to increase the vocabulary mastery of the second year students of SMUN 1 BELOPA”
The researcher choose to do the research in SMU 1 BELOPA, because the writer observe the vocabulary mastery of the students in SMU 1 BELOPA especially in the second year students is still low. Because according to their teacher is one of the English teacher in SMU 1 BELOPA who I have interviewed pointed out that the students of SMU 1 BELOPA don’t have a interest in learning English. Event almost all of them don’t have motivate to increase their English moreover their vocabulary mastery.
Their vocabulary mastery is still low and the researcher wants their vocabulary mastery to increase in their progressing. So the researcher purpose select a game in teaching English which is Words Chains Games to increase the student’s vocabulary mastery. This game may not be used yet in SMU 1 BELOPA but may have been used in other schools. This is another reason why the writer intends to do research in this school
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