Senin, 25 Maret 2013



1.1 Background of the Study
Nowadays,  English  has  become  a  very  powerful  language  in  the  world.  As  an international language, most communities in the world use English. Different from other countries in South East Asia; such as Malaysia, Singapore or Philippines, where they put English  as  their  second  language,  Indonesia  puts  English  as  its  first  foreign  language. Anyone who wants to get respectable position in community and in a working place must master this language.  As the most important foreign language, English has been taught at formal  schools  from  the  seventh  grade  of  Junior  High  School  (SMP)  up  to  the  twelfth grade of Senior High School (SMA) and some semesters in the university.   
Even  now,  English  can  be  taught  at  elementary  schools  as  “a  local  content subject’. As stated in the local content of teaching guidelines (GBPP Mulok SD 1995:2), the  objectives  of  teaching  English
  to  elementary  school  students  as  a  local  content  are “they are expected to have the skills of the language in simple English, with the emphasis to have speaking skill using selected topics related to their environmental needs such as tourism industry”. (Depdikbud, 1995: 2)
Teaching English as a foreign language to children is not the same as teaching it to  adults  because  they  have  different  characteristics  and  different  motivation.  The  way children learn a foreign language, and therefore the way to teach it, obviously depends on their  developmental  stage.  It  would  not  be  reasonable  to  ask  a  child  to  do  a  task  that demands a sophisticated  control of spatial orientation (for example, tracing  a route on a map) if he or she has not yet developed this skill. On the other hand, beginners of 8 or 10 years  of  age  will  not  respond  well  to  an  activity  that  they  perceive  as  childish,  or  well below their intellectual level even it is linguistically appropriate (for example, identifying an odd shape out of matching picture halves). This way, teacher has to be more aware and take into account in his or her teaching.
Teaching  English  to  the  fourth  grader  students  of  elementary  schools  means teaching  the  children  at  the  age  between  8  and  10  years  old.  According  to  Scott  and Ytreberg (1990: 2-4) there are some general characteristics of children of that group such as they are competent users of mother tongue, they love to play and learn best when they enjoy themselves.Helaly  also  stated  that  children  in  that  age  are  not  self  motivated  and  do  not immediate need to learn English. Their word is their daily games and events of interest to them (1987: 49)
From  the  statements  above,  we  know  that  in  teaching  English  to  children,  a teacher  plays  a  very  important  role,  because  he  has  the  task  to  give  the  very  basic introduction of the first foreign language. Here he must be able to draw student’s interest and  motivation  in  learning  English.  Here  are  some  points  to  bear??????????????


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