A. Background
English is dominant foreign language and functions as an international language. In Indonesia, the use of English as the printing media has been familiar for decades. The local and international public of tempo magazine and the Jakarta post and some other English magazines provide evidence for such situation. The use of English as a tool to deliver materials in those media indicates that English is widely used in indonesia.Viewing this condition, english this adopted in the curriculum by which big proportion
of school hours given to the teaching and learning such this language has been regarded to anable students to have competence in skill of English including reading, writing, speaking, and listening.English as a subject matter in school covers four basic language skills. They are reading, writing, speaking and listening. In every subject, students learning activities involve reading. Reading is one of the complex ways in learning English. It is a kind of activity to comprehend the writers ideas or the way the writer communicates with the readers by way of the written or printed words (2009, Reading is very important for everybody in order to cope with new knowledge, experience, and to develop new concept and broaden hid horizon of thinking, which are needed to ensure the containing personal growth and adapt the change the world. As Brewton (1962:1) in Indo Tallo (2002:2) stated that much of what you now today you have learned through your reading and much of what you will need to find out in the future you will search for in books, magazines, and newspaper. In connection with that, Harvey(1990) in Indo Tallo (2002:2) stated that the purpose of reading is to inform ourselves about something we are interesting in or challenge our knowledge on certain matters in other words to extends our experience of the world in which we live. In order to acquire these purpose successfully, it is expected to apply learning strategies. One into account is using techniques in teaching reading.
Teaching a foreign language especially English is not as easy as teaching the first language, because it is something new for the students of Junior High School. The students will certainly face many problems. Up to this time, we often hear the disappointment of English teachers because of low scores of their students in the final exam Bustami Subhan(1990) in Anteng ria(2007). Considering the importance of reading skill, the teacher should improve the teaching of reading comprehension. The teacher can use some methods of teaching reading so that the students can enjoy and be stimulated in learning EFL reading comprehension.
In indonesia, some English teacher still uses traditional or conventional method in teaching, especially to teach reading. Conventional method usually make student bored because is monotonous and the students are not active, so the atmospheres of learning seem stiff. So. Efforts to improve student learning achievement cannot be separated from the various factors that influence. In this case, is needed creative teacher that can make learning process more interesting and preferred by the students. Classroom atmosphere should be planned and constructed in such a way by using appropriate learning model that students can get a chance to interact with another.
English teaching method is changeable. The method should be interesting and students centered. One of the teaching methods is cooperative. Through this method, students are active in the learning process, because the will learn more thought a process of constructing and creating, working in a group and sharing knowledge. Nevertheless, individual is responsibility is still key of success in learning English
Cooperative learning method is believed as been able to give chance for student to be involved in discussion, has courage and critical thinking in is willing to take responsibility of his/ her own learning. It does not mean the teacher is not participating in classroom but in learning process, teacher has rule as designer, facilitator, motivator, and guider in the learning process.
A cooperative learning method has several types, namely write –pair- shared, group investigation, STAD, TGT, TAI, and JIGSAW. One of its interesting is jigsaw method. The jigsaw classroom is very simple to apply. Jigsaw is strategy of the learning method which demands the students to learn on group with 4-6 members’ students who have heterogeneous ability. Each home group member meet in expert group to study the material assigned to each member. After discussion, they go back in to their group members and explain their discussion to his/her group member.
Based on statement above, is concluded that teaching reading puts the emphasis on rising students motivation so that the teaching learning process of reading will result in better students achievement of reading. The researcher interesting in the real implementation of jigsaw, so the researcher conducted the research under the title “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING JIGSAW TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION”
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