Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Improving the Students’ Speaking Skill through Role Play Technique

Improving the Students’ Speaking Skill through Role Play Technique
A.    Background
Language which is used by community is basically one of the tools of communication and very important in community’s life. It is because of each community can not make relation to each other without the use of language which can be understood by community. Language that is used by one community may be different, but there should be a language that covers all community, one of the languages that cover all communities where the people know as an international language.
English as one of international language has an important role in this word right now, because most of information about science and technology use English. The government of Indonesia has put English as an essential subject to be learned from elementary school up to university level. It is caused of English has big
role in development of the countries through science and technology.
There are four language skills in English language namely, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those are very important for English learners. The learners are expected to be master in both of them. But, almost all of learners in every school in Indonesia only master a part.
The writer has done the diagnostic test at class XI IPA of SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung-Gowa. Actually, all of the students are good in listening, reading and writing skill. They almost never have problems for these. But all of the students in the class have very significance problems in speaking skill. The problems are varieties. One people and the other people have difference. The writer just can think and conclude that the students are poor in speaking skill.
The score of the students in class XI IPA of SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung-Gowa in speaking test are varieties. The mean score that is gotten is only 5.23, while the KKM is 6.50. It is categorized in poor category. Actually, the problem is affected by some factors such as, in learning process we can find that the students always prove the difficulties in speaking. The students always made mistakes in grammar, pronunciation aspects.
Basically, they only speak English but they do not pay attention to the sentence structure and correct pronunciation. Besides, the students still have limited vocabulary, due to they are seldom practice their English language. Some of the students are shy to have an opportunity in speaking. Event, they prefer to be silent in speaking activity. To solve the problem in this research, the writer would like to focus in speaking skill.
To solve the problems above, the writer will apply one of the teaching methods. This is the interesting method and it can improve the students speaking ability, namely varieties of discussion method. This method is designed to create the students’ interest to speak out or practice their English language.
The variety of discussion method is the teaching method that uses various type of discussion method in learning process which can be changed in every meeting. Rasyid (1995: 10) states discussion as a classroom teaching device can be in the form of (a) whole class discussion that is the class ask questions and express their opinions or recognized topics, and (b) small group discussion that is the class is broken down into small groups, then the small groups discuss the assigned topics. It is assumed that smaller

Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Improving The Students’ Speaking Ability Through Problem Based Learning Strategy

Improving The Students’ Speaking Ability Through Problem Based Learning Strategy
A.    Background
                Speaking skill is one of the difficult activities in learning English. It is one form to get information through oral communication in the world. It is become mare and more useful for  everyone who wants to learn about English.
 In most conversation, the world flows with just the least of mental urge. People think about what to say, who they are talking to, where they are, and they also need to know how many times to talk. So, focusing on their accuracy and fluency is the main learning process to get developing of the students in their speaking performance.
Moreover, the students get optimal standard achievement in speaking because they do not know what their aims to speak English, the condition and situation in the classroom have not been designed naturally for
speaking, and the student still lack in use vocabulary, correct grammatical and acceptable interaction. Therefore, the teacher must regard how the classroom interaction should best be designed to cater the students’ communication need. In this case for improving the students’ speaking ability, the writer is going to carry out the research that emphasize on the aspect of learning goal, creating the learning process (La Costa in Sanjaya:2006:105). This strategy is the named “Problem Based Learning Strategy”.
            According to M. Taufik Amir, (2009:8) the students should be active in learning process in choosing to formulate the information, construct the information, consider and reflect the students experience to determine how  knowledge  can be transferred to all situations.
Wilkerson and Gijselears (1996:86) claim that problem based learning (PBL) is characterized by a student- centered approach, teacher as “facilitators rather than disseminators, and open ended problem that “serve as the initial stimulus and framework for learning.
Gallstudentagher (1997:337) the instructor plays a critical role in helping students become self-directed learners and must create classroom environment in which students “receive systematic instruction in conceptual, strategic, and reflective reasoning in the context of discipline that will ultimately make them more successful in later investigation.

Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Using Naruto Comic as a Medium in Improving Students’ Speaking Skill

Using Naruto Comic as a Medium in Improving Students’ Speaking Skill
A.    Background
English is one of the human languages in the world that has important role in interaction and communication. It has become international language and almost practiced in all part of life. It is important for us to learn the language.
There are four skills that should be master in learning English, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Speaking skill is one of the main points to master English because it is required to communicate ideas, opinion and comments with other people in conversational situation. Speaking skill is one of the difficulties in learning English. There are many realities indicate that the students sometimes face many problems in learning English specially in speaking. For instance the students are shy to speak, less motivation, self-confidence, afraid to make mistake and so on. So that’s way I will focus on speaking skill in my research.
Motivation is crucial in language teaching.  One well-known way to arouse students’ interest can be achieved by bringing something extraordinary and new into the language class, especially among teenagers
and young   adults.
 Comic can be used efficiently for this purpose. Comics are usually funny; therefore, applying them to methodological purposes will have the same effect as using games in teaching English that brings a cheerful atmosphere into the class.
One of comic is Naruto. Naruto becomes familiar comic and have a lot of fans in around the world. Those pictures are very amazing and touching same as the content of the story. In Indonesia, Naruto series in television

Senin, 26 Mei 2014



A.       Background
In the globalization and information era, someone will be left behind if she or he doesn’t master one of international languages; the international language namely English language. English as an international language occupies the first position in the world of communication today. This position makes English most widely used all over the world in all aspect of human life. English is a language used in telling our ideas to other persons. We can interact with the other people in the world by the language, and in daily life we use more time to do oral communication. Which enable us to exchange our ideas, feeling, and experience.
English language is a means of international communication, it becomes more important now. Therefore, the government of Indonesia has placed this language in the curriculum not only at the secondary schools, senior high schools, but also at universities or institutes. This is applied to enable
Indonesian students to understand English. The goals of teaching English in Indonesian are mainly to enable the students to use English in communication and can read many scientific books which are written in English.
Learning language will never be successful without learning and understanding the vocabulary. Have a good knowledge of vocabulary support student to mastery English. In teaching English, we need pay attention to many aspects. Some of them are: reading, listening, speaking, structure, and vocabulary. But from all aspect, vocabulary is considered as the most important. Wilkins (1978) states that we would accept that vocabulary would be initially less important than grammar while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.) Mukrim (2004) found that the low competence of the students in reading comprehension was influenced by lack of vocabulary. Jumiaty (1998) reports that the main factor faced by students in reading comprehending a text is the lack of vocabulary. Many students cannot read and understand a text which written in English because they do not have a good command of vocabulary, or they doubt to express their idea in English because they have limited vocabulary in their mind.
That is clear, vocabulary is extremely important in learning. Someone can convey his opinion, emotion, wish, and understand whom he speaks to with enough vocabulary.
Vocabulary building is not easy thing to do. We must be optimistic that if try of course we can. Teacher has to make an effort to build their students’ vocabulary since student will have more opportunity to identify the words during the teaching and learning process.
Nothing is learned if it is not remembered. But why do easily remember something, and, despite effort, forget other? Why do we remember every detail of a particular Saturday night party, for instance, while we have trouble remembering theories of learning studied for a test? Storing the words in memory to be longer becomes a big problem for everyone who wants to master a language.
In our daily experience, we considered what we have learned not wholly stored in our memory. In cognitive theory showed that anything we experienced or learned will be Longley stored in memory as well as brain manages it.
Teaching English vocabulary is not easy. May be some of the students like and eager to study, but some others are possibly not. Teachers, in this case have a big role to motivate all of them to have the same perception about the importance of English today.
Based on information from an English teachers, result about the students achievement especially in English vocabulary at SMU Muhammadiyah 7 Makassar at the first grade students in the last semester, that the students’ vocabulary achievement  are still low, where the students value average still got score 5.5 – 5.8 while the standard curriculum is 6.5. It’s happened because the students still lack in use vocabulary. Therefore the researcher wants to solve this problem until the students have a good score and achieve the score 6.5-7.0 and as target in English vocabulary.
By looking at the background above, the researcher tries to teaching vocabulary by using mnemonic method in order to find a????